Official Content

Returns the weekday for a given date in a selected language. If no language is specified, the one selected in the Model Properties is used.

The value 'spaces' is returned if the received parameter is null.


Cdow(date-expression | datetime-expression [ ,language ] )


language must be one of the following:

  • spa - Spanish
  • eng - English
  • por - Portuguese
  • ita – Italian
  • chs - Simplified Chinese
  • cht - Traditional Chinese
  • jap - Japanese

Type returned:


Objects: Procedure, Transaction, Web PanelPanel, Data Provider
Generators: .NET, .NET Framework, JavaApple, Android, Angular


If English is the set language, and no other language is explicitly used in the function:
CDOW(CTOD('08/28/08')) = Thursday

If you specify 'spa', that is, Spanish as the language, then the result is displayed in Spanish no matter what default language has been set in the Model Properties.

CDOW(CTOD('08/28/08'), 'spa') = Jueves
Note: Implementation is case sensitive (all three characters have to be lowercase).

See Also

CMonth function
DoW function

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