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It's a REST service to obtain the user's information.

Through the service /oauth/gam/userinfo it is possible to obtain the user's information.
Before running the service, authentication is required. To this end, you must obtain an OAuth 2.0 token through the service access_token. The service is then invoked through the GET or POST methods.




For this to work, a certain configuration is needed at the level of the GAM Application where the service is configured:

User info OAuth v18 GAM

  • &GAMApplication.ClientAllowRemoteAuthentication = True. (Although GAM requests that a ClientCallbackURL and a ClientLocalLoginURL be indicated, they will not be used in this case.)

  • &GAMApplication.ClientAllowGetUserRoles = True. (If you want to get the user's roles.)

  • &GAMApplication.ClientAllowGetUserAdditionalData = True. (To obtain the dynamic attributes of the user.)


In this case, the authentication token (&access_token) goes in the header.

&method = !"GET"
&headername = "Authorization"
&headervalue = "OAuth " + &access_token

&getstring = &urlbase + "/oauth/gam/userinfo"

&httpclient.AddHeader(&headername, &headervalue)
&httpclient.AddHeader("GeneXus-Agent","SmartDevice Application")
&httpclient.Execute(&method, &getstring)

&httpstatus = &httpclient.StatusCode
&result = &httpclient.toString()


In this case, the authentication token (&access_token) goes in the body.

&method = !"POST"

&getstring = &urlbase + "/oauth/gam/userinfo"

&httpclient.AddHeader("GeneXus-Agent", "SmartDevice Application")
&httpclient.AddVariable(!"access_token", &access_token)
&httpclient.Execute(&method, &getstring)

&httpstatus = &httpclient.StatusCode
&result = &httpclient.toString()



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