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Developing a Super App is like creating any native mobile application with GeneXus, where you will also have to consider the following:

  • Providing the communication interface for the Mini Apps that integrate with your Super App
  • Designing the UX for the Mini Apps discovery within your Super App
  • Making available a sandbox version of your Super App for testing

The communication interface between Mini Apps and the Super App

A Mini App may require certain actions from its Super App. To that end, these services are implemented in the Super App (which can be with or without a UI) and then its API is exposed to the Mini Apps.

As an example, suppose you have a Super App associated with a financial institution, where the users register their different means of payment, among other things.

The Super App offers a variety of services to its users (shopping in stores, paying for transportation, etc.) through different Mini Apps.

When the user enters a purchase process from a Mini App, the payment will be redirected to the Super App for choosing the payment method. Once the payment is completed, the result of the operation is returned to the Mini App. This saves the user the need to enter the payment method for each services, while also ensuring that the Super App will not share that information with the Mini Apps.

Design the UX for discovering Mini Apps

The second aspect to consider is how the user will access the Mini Apps. In this sense, you will have to design the UX (screens and interactions) to obtain and display the different Mini Apps.


For example, you may want to get all available Mini Apps or just those fulfilling specific search criteria, or those that are close to the user’s location.

To do this, there is a special module called GeneXusSuperApps, which allows connection to the Mini App Center and obtains the list of Mini Apps through different services.

Sandbox Super App for Testing

Those who develop the Mini Apps that will be integrated with your Super App will require access to the services it displays. To test these services, you’ll have to make a sandbox version of the Super App available, from which they can call the Mini App under development.

For more details, see How to create a Super App?

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