This article explains how to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) between a Super App and Mini App using GAM. By following these steps, you will enable users to authenticate once in the Super App and access the Mini App without the need to re-enter their credentials.
1. Create a new GAM Application.
1.1. Complete the Name and Description fields (in the General section), as well as the other fields that you consider necessary (they are optional).

1.2. In the Configuration section (OAuth Authentication tab) set the Client ID and Client Secret of your Super App.
1.3. Select the Allow REST v2.0 authentication? check box.
1.4. Finally, select the User Scopes that your Super App will share with your Mini App. For example: User Data.
To view the scopes that can be shared, follow this link: GAM - OAuth User Scopes.

2. Go to the MiniApp tab and select the Enable work as MiniApp? check box.

2.1. Select Server in the Mode Combo Box.
2.2. Finally, set the MiniApp client URL field with your MiniApp service URL.
If your MiniApp was not developed using GeneXus or GAM, select Custom MiniApp client URL.
If you are using a Multi - Tenant scenario, you must specify your MiniApp client repository GUID.
1. Create a new GAM Application.
1.1. Complete the Name and Description fields (in the General section) and the other fields that you consider necessary (they are optional).

1.2. In the Configuration section (OAuth Authentication tab), set the Client ID and Client Secret of your MiniApp. They must be the same as those specified in Step 1.2 of the Super App configuration.

1.3. Select the Allow REST v2.0 authentication? check box.
1.4. Select the User Scopes that your Mini App will request to the Super App.
To view the scopes that can be shared, follow this link: GAM - OAuth User Scopes.
2. Go to the MiniApp tab and select the Enable work as MiniApp? check box.

2.1. Select Client in the Mode combo box.
2.2. In the User authentication type name in this client combo box, select the Authentication Type with which the user will be registered once authenticated in the Mini App.
2.3. Finally, set the SuperApp server URL field with your Super App service URL.
Requests to achieve SSO will be made to endpoints as follows:
To obtain the access token:
To obtain user information:
If your SuperApp is not developed using GeneXus or GAM, select Custom SuperApp server URL, in this case endpoints will be:
To obtain the access token:
To obtain user information:
In a Multi-Tenant scenario, make sure to specify your SuperApp repository GUID.