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Native Mobile applications are well received in our daily life, but there are still many things that can be done to improve the users’ experience.

Before a user gets the service from a Native Mobile application, they often have to go through the process of downloading > installing > registering the application.

Users can only keep a limited number of these applications on their phones due to storage capability constraints. In addition, it's not easy to share data between different Native Mobile applications.

Evolving these applications is in general very complicated because their design was created with a single solution in mind.

Even though the Web is an ideal platform to avoid these problems, it's still imperfect by far.

Compared to the native ones, it isn't easy to take advantage of the capabilities provided by the native operating system.

Also, it's usually difficult to design a Web application whose performance can actually match or surpass that of a similar application.

On a mobile device, users obtain services or contents outside the browser very frequently; naturally, they would like all their applications to be consistent in terms of user accounts, login status, and user interaction across the whole system.

Moreover, sometimes users may want to share some data with an application if they really trust it. However, for some frequently requested information, such as the personal phone number of the current device, or the contact list, there isn't a good way for users to give permissions on the Web.

In the middle of both solutions, Super Apps were born in China. They are basically service aggregators: WeChat, Taobao, and Baidu were the first aggregators that transformed their applications into Super Apps, opening their platforms so that third parties could include new services within their ecosystem.

GeneXus follows this strategy. Any organization can make its own Super App, thus creating new digital ecosystems that offer a variety of services to its community. These services are displayed dynamically through Mini Apps and may be developed by the Super App owner or by third parties.


Start Video Super Apps & Mini Apps with GeneXus 18
Start Video GeneXus Super App conferences

See Also

38 interesting facts and more you should know about Super Apps, Mini Apps, and Mini Programs


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