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BI Web Services

Data Types


Data type created by WSDL inspector to interact with the services. The methods are detailed here.


It contains information about Dimensions, Measures or Attributes, depending on the paradigm of the open metadata. It is composed of the following fields:

Name Data Type
Type Character(9999) Business Element type. It may take one of the following values:
Name Character(9999) Business Element name (internal value).
Description Character(9999) Business Element description. This value can be modified from the Manager and Settings.
Available Numeric(6) Details whether it is available or not for the end users.
 0: Not Available.
 1: Available.
Cardinality  Character(9999) Dimension cardinality:
 Low: low cardinality (default value).
 High: high cardinality.
NodeType Character(9999) Type of Node returned.
 Individual: it is a Business Element.
 Group: it is a group or folder.


Chart associated to a query. It is composed of:

Name Data Type Description
Name Character(9999) Chart name (identifier).
Title Character(9999) Chart title.
TitleVisible Numeric(6)  Details whether the title is visible or not.
 0: Non-visible.
 1: Visible.
Legend Character(9999) Chart legend.
LegendVisible Numeric(6)  Details whether the legend is visible or not.
 0: Non-visible.
 1: Visible.
Type Character(9999)
Chart type.


Filter applied to evaluate a BusinessElement; check the EvalBusinesElement service.

Name Data Type
BusinessElementName Character(9999) Filter Business Element name.
Values ArrayOfGXBIValue Collection of the values used to filter.


Message returned by the engine in case of Warning or Error.

Name Data Type Description
Id Numeric(11) Message identifier.
Description Character(9999) Message description.
Type  Character(9999) Message type:
CallStack Character(9999) Detail of the stack where the error occurs. Used for troubleshooting.


Metadata information.

Name Data Type Description
Name Character(9999) Metadata name.
Paradigm Character(9999) Metadata paradigm:
UserOwnerName Character(9999) Metadata creator.
DateofUpdate Character(9999) Update date. Format: dd/mm/yyyy
DateofCreation Character(9999) Creation date. Format: dd/mm/yyyy
Version  Character(9999) Metadata version.


Structure to store the parameters to execute a query in case it has defined parameters.

Name Data Type Description
Name Character(9999) Parameter name.
Description Character(9999) Parameter description.
Value GXBIValue Parameter Value.
Required Numeric(6.0) Details whether it is required or not.
 0: non-required.
 1: required.


Property configurable in runtime.

Name Data Type Description
Name Character(9999) Property name.
Value Character(9999)  Value assigned to the Name property.

The following properties are supported:

Property Description
executeQuery Details whether the query is refreshed or not.
0: information is not refreshed, returns data of the last query execution.
1: information is refreshed.
queryDestination Type of query output.
DynamicTable: it brings the result as pivot table.
StaticTable: it brings the result as static table.
NombreDeGrafica: it brings the result with the specification of the saved chart.
queryFormat Desired format of the query execution result.
XmlAbstract: if you want to visualize the query in abstract format; it returns an XML with a structure detailed in the appendix.
 HtmlOWC: if you want to visualize the query in HTML format. It returns the result as HTML to be embedded in any Web object.
 HtmlCrossBrowserControls: if you want to visualize the query in a priopietary component. It returns an URL to be executed.
Version Component version with which you want to present the query; It only applies if query_format= HtmlOWC | HtmlCrossBrowserControls.
1.0: Cross-browser Component, default value.
9.0: Office 2000 Component.
10.0: Office XP Component.
11.0: Office 2003 Component.
componentId Component internal name. It only applies if query_format= HtmlOWC | HtmlCrossBrowserControls.


Depending on the format selected, the result from a query execution must be processed in a different way. When using the XmlAbstract format, the query data and specification is returned. The returned structure is detailed here.

To show the information in a component two options are available: HtmlOWC and HtmlCrossBrowserControls.

When using the HtmlOWC option, you have to assign the query execution result in a GeneXus Textblock caption; remember that this component works since Internet Explorer 5.5.

HtmlCrossBrowserControls format, returns an URL where the query execution is available. It is recommended to use an Embedded Page control, assigning to the Source property the result of the query execution. For more information check this this sample.

Not all the combinations of queryDestination-queryFormat values are valid:

DynamicTable StaticTable ChartName
XmlAbstract Applies Applies Applies
HtmlOWC Applies Does not apply Applies
HtmlCrossBrowserControls Applies Does not apply Applies


Query information.

Name Data Type Description
Open  Numeric(6.0) Indicates if the query is open.
0: Closed query.
1: Open query.
QueryInfo GXBIQueryInfo Query Header.
QueryOpenInfo GXBIQueryOpenInfo Work query identifier. Parameter required in SaveQuery and Close Query services.


Query header.

Name Data Type Description
Title Character(9999) Query title.
Name Character(9999) Query name.
Description Character(9999) Query description.
UpdateInImpact Numeric(6.0) Details whether the query was updated in the last impact.
0: Non-updated.
1: Updated.
OwnerUser Character(9999) Query owner.
HourOfUpdate Character(9999)

Update time.
Format: HH:MM:SS

DateOfUpdate Character(9999) Update date.
Format: dd/mm/yyyy
Parameters ArrayOfGXBIParameter Parameters collection.
Charts ArrayOfGXBIChart Charts collection.
NodeType Character(9999) Returns the node type:
 Individual: query.
 Group: Folder.


Open query information.

Name Data Type Description
Id Numeric(11.0) Work query internal ID used by SaveQuery and Close Query services.


Session information.

Name Data Type Description
Security Character(9999) Security internal identifier.
Id  Numeric(11.0) Session identifier.
ExecutionMode Character(9999) Execution mode:
ProductMode Character(9999) Product used:
CurrentUserName Character(9999) Logged user.
OpenMetadata Numeric(6.0) Open metadata identifier.
OpenMetadataName Character(9999) Open medatada name


It details possible error messages on calling any service.

Name Data Type Description
Error Numeric(6.0) Details whether the service execution gives an error.
0: OK.
1: Error.
MessageCollection ArrayOfGXBIMessage Messages collection.
ErrorId Numeric(11) First error identifier.
ErrorDescription Character(9999) DescripciĆ³n asociada a ErrorId.
ErrorCallStack Character(9999) Detail of the stack where the error occurs. It is useful for troubleshooting.

Error Field

You must check out the Error field to verify whether errors occurred or not. If there were errors, there is a messages collection available (MessageCollection parameter). Check possible error codes in the appendix.

Definition of a user defined Attribute User Defined Attributes:

Name Data Type Description
Name Character(9999) Attribute name (internal value).
Description Character(9999) Attribute description.
IdAttributeName Character(9999) Attribute name with the possible values.
IdValue GXBIValue Value to Filter.
ValueAttributeName Character(9999) Dynamic attribute description.


User or user group information.

Name Data Type Description
Name Character(9999) User name.
NodeType Character(9999) Node type:
 Individual: User.
 Group: User group.
IsSupervisor Numeric(6)  0: standard user.
 1: Supervisor user.
Password Character(9999) Non-available parameter.
NewPassword Character(9999) Non-available parameter.
FullName Character(9999) User full name.


Value information.

Name Data Type Description
Id Character(9999) Value identifier.
Description Character(9999) Value description.


Constraint over a Business Element.

Name Data Type Description
User Character(9999) User over which the constraint applies.
BERestricted Character(9999) Measure or attribute name.
RestrictedByBE Character(9999) Dimension or attribute name.
Required Numeric(6) Indicates whether the constraint is required:
0: non-required.
1: required.
RestrictionType Character(9999) Constraint type:
Total: Total.
Partial: Partial.
AllowedValues ArrayOfGXBIValue Allowed values collection.


Name Collection of
ArrayOfGXBIBusinessElement GXBIBusinessElement Business Elements Collection.
ArrayOfGXBIChart GXBIChart Charts Collection.
ArrayOfGXBIFilter GXBIFilter Filters Collection.
ArrayOfGXBIMessage GXBIMessage Messages Collection.
ArrayOfGXBIMetadata GXBIMetadata Metadatas Collection.
ArrayOfGXBIParameter GXBIParameter Parameters Collection.
ArrayOfGXBIProperty GXBIProperty Properties Collection.
ArrayOfGXBIQuery GXBIQuery Queries Collection.
ArrayOfGXBIUser GXBIUser Users Collection.
ArrayOfGXBIValue GXBIValue Values Collection.
ArrayOfGXBIValuesRestriction GXBIValuesRestriction Constraints Collection.


Last update: February 2024 | Ā© GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant