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Google Charts Control is an implementation of a set of chart controls provided by Google Visualization API.

Chart types:

The control provides the following chart types:


The control has general properties and also an optional set of properties under Configuration Options section.

General Properties
Width Width of the chart in pixels
Height Height of the chart in pixels.
Type Type of chart.
Mode Interactive / Image
Data Data to be shown
SelectedCategoryName Selected Category Name.
SelectedSeriesName Selected Series Name.
SelectedSeriesValue Selected Series Value.
XTitle Text to display below the horizontal axis.
YTitle Text to display by the vertical axis.
Title Text to display above the chart.
ControlName Name of the control.


Configuration Options
axisColor The color of the axis.
backgroundColor The background color for the main area of the chart.
colors The colors to use for the chart elements. Each element is a string that is a color supported by HTML, for example 'red' or '#00cc00'. The associated variable must be a Character Collection.
focusBorderColor The border around chart elements that are in focus (pointed by the mouse).
is3D If set to true, displays a three-dimensional change.
isStacked If set to true, line values are stacked (accumulated).
legend Position and type of legend.
legendBackgroundColor The background color for the legend area of the chart.
legendTextColor The color for the text entries of the legend.
reverseAxis If set to true, will draw categories from right to left. The default is to draw left-to-right.
titleColor The color for the chart's title.


Data binding:

The property Data could be receive several values. Some examples are presented here:

  • Numeric Value

            When a numeric values is specified, the value is would be show as a row. For instance :

&num = 100

           Google Chart Case1

  • Array of numeric values
    When a list of numeric values is specified, it assumed one row per each numeric. For instance :

            Google Chart Case2

  • An structure data type with character and number 
    The number value is graph as a row, and the character value would be the row title. For instance :
&sdt.Name1 = 'Sales'
&sdt.Value1 = 100

            Google Chart Case3

  • A collection of structure data type with character and number
    Every number value is graph as a row and each character value is assumed as a row title
 &sdt.Name1 = '"2006"'
 &sdt.Value1 = 100

 &sdt = new()
 &sdt.Name1 = '"2007"'
 &sdt1.Value1 = 150

 &sdt1 = new()
 &sdt1.Name1 = '"2008"'
 &sdt1.Value1 = 50

            Google Chart Case4

  • An structure data type with categories and series ( such as Gxchart implementation )
 &GoogleChartSeries.Name = "Sales"
 &GoogleChartSeries = new()
 &GoogleChartSeries.Name = "Expenses"

            Google Chart Case5


Select When the user clicks on a legend entry, the corresponding column in the data table is selected; when the user clicks on a chart column, the corresponding cell in the data table is selected. In addition, the following control's properties are populated with the relevant selected data: SelectedCategoryName, SelectedSeriesName and SelectedSeries Value.


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