Specifies the error message that will be displayed to the end user of the generated application if the value range or regular expression validation fails.
Level: Attribute, Domain, SDT member, Variable
This property depends either on the Value Range property or the Regular Expression property, and its default value is calculated as follows:
- If the Value Range has the value “Field %1 is out of range.” (the GXSPC_OutOfRange translation key).
- If the Regular Expression has the value “Field %1 does not match the specified pattern.” (the GXM_DoesNotMatchRegExp translation key).
Note that the attribute's Description property substitutes %1.
This property is not available when the attribute is a formula.
Note: The property is updatable, but the default value corresponds to the domain on which the variable / attribute / SDT member is based on.
Since GeneXus 17 Upgrade 4, this property also applies to SDT members.
Value range property
Regular Expression property
Name property