This is a list of restrictions to take into account when producing .NET applications.
- .NET does not support Basic Authentication
- Support of Cryptography data types (CryptoHash, CryptoSign, CryptoSignXML, CryptoSymmetricEncrypt, CryptoAsymmetricEncrypt, CryptoCertifcate data types) is poor. Consider using the corresponding of the GeneXus Security API instead
- WMI (the equivalent of JMX in Java) is not available, because that is something specific to Windows and it is also being deprecated in the industry.
- GUI Reorganizations are not supported (nor the Show Prompt property for reorganizations), since both cases are Windows forms dialogs.
- Generation of Event Log entries for errors is not supported since Windows Event Viewer is specific to Windows.
- SOAP native implementation is not supported because of the low support of WFC and CoreWFC on the platform.
- GxConfig.exe tool that allows modifying database connection settings at web.config (when using .NET) is not supported since it is a Windows form dialog. As an alternative, you can use GxEncryptCMD to encrypt the desired values to be pasted into appsetting.json file.
- Logging to Trace.axd is not supported
- The GeneXus .Net generator does not support the invocation of SAP BAPIs as RFC at the moment