Enables the possibility to draw the route between two points on the map.
Generators: Android, Apple
Controls: Grid (Control Type: Maps)
This property is only visible for Panels or WW Grids whose Control Type property = Maps.
When the Directions Layer property is set to True, it is possible to draw the route between two points on the map. These points are given by the values loaded using Location Attribute property or Location Field Specifier property.
Two more properties are enabled to configure the Directions layer: Transport Type property and Default Route Class property.
The implementation of this property is server-side and is done by the DirectionsServiceRequest Rest Service.
In the case of using Google provider, a Google Directions API Key is necessary. In addition, it is recommended to use security mechanisms such as GAM.
In order to view the directions, it is necessary to have the Google API Key property at Environment level configured with a valid API Key. This Key must have the Directions API limit configured.
This property applies only at design time.
To apply the corresponding changes when the property value is configured, execute a Build with this Only of the object.
Maps Control Type
Transport Type property
Default Route Class property