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An SDT containing the dimensions to send on pageviews. Each property in the SDT is a dimension, and the value of the property, the dimension's value.


Controls: Google Analytics Control


When using the Google Analytics Control you can specify an SDT containing a list of dimensions to discriminate further when doing the site analysis.

Each property in the SDT is a dimension, and the value of that property is the value you want to record.

From the GeneXus side, create an SDT with Key/Value items (both character datatypes) and assign whatever you want in runtime.
Make sure to assign the Dimensions User Control property to the associated SDT variable.

Check the following associated documentation from the GA4 site:


Runtime/Design time

This property applies only at runtime.


Consider the following code snippet:

&GADimensions.key_one = !"Some value"
&GADimensions.key_two = !"Some other value"

You will be able to analyze the data by the defined dimensions. On the Google Analytics 4 console, the dimensions key and values will be available from the page_view and will expand for each defined property (for this case key_one and key_two).

How to apply changes

To apply the corresponding changes when the property value is configured, execute a Build with this Only of the object.

See Also

Google Analytics Control

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