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Here is a list of third-party utilities distributed by GeneXus which are used by the GeneXus .NET Framework Generator, GeneXus .NET Generator and GeneXus Java Generator generated applications. In addition, references to the license terms for each one are included.

Utility Purpose Usage License type Website Generators
iText PDF files handling Used when PDF Reports are generated in the application

.NET (iText 4.x)

  • LGPL / MPL


Java (iText.jar,iTextAsian.jar)

.Net Framework & .NET (iTextAsian.dll, itextsharp.dll)

Java (iText 2.1.7)

  • MPL 1.1
Lucene Full Text search tool Used when Full text search feature is used. (ref.: Full Text Search Data Types) Apache License, Version 2.0



Java (is-core-2.2.0.jar, lucene-highlighter-2.2.0.jar, lucene-spellchecker-2.2.0.jar,tm-extractors-0.4.jar)

.Net Framework (Lucene.Net.dll, GxSearch.dll, Highlighter.Net.dll, Lucene.Net.dll, SpellChecker.Net.dll)


jSrvAny Install java applications as service Used when Java applications are installed as a windows service. See details BSD-style License jsrvany Java
POI Excel files handling

Used when ExcelDocument datatype are defined in the application Generating Microsoft Excel and Word Documents

Is distributed with Java Generator


Apache License, Version 2.0


Java (poi-4.1.2.jar, poi-scratchpad-4.1.2.jar, poi-ooxml-4.1.2.jar, poi-ooxml-schemas-4.1.2.jar, commons-compress-1.21.jar, commons-math3-3.6.1.jar, curvesapi-1.06.jar, SparseBitSet-1.2.jar, commons-codec-1-9-jar, xmlbeans-3.1.0.jar)

.Net Framework (GxExcelI.dll)

EPPlus Excel files handling

Used when ExcelDocument data type is defined in the application Generating Microsoft Excel and Word Documents

Is distributed with .NET Generator





.Net Framework


Jayrock-JSON JSON library

JSON Serialization

LGPL jayrock


.Net Framework


log4net, log4j Logging functions Used for logging: Log external objectLog level property Apache License, Version 2.0 log4net


.Net Framework


NetComponents Internet Protocol Library Network protocols implementations Used when ftp functions are used.FTP functions Apache License, Version 2.0 NetComponents Java
NetTopologySuite Geography types Used to manipulate geography data types BSD-3-Clause NetTopologySuite .NET
GeographicLib Geography types Used to manipulate geography data types MIT/X11 GeographicLib .NET
Stubble.Core User Controls (Server-side) Used by User Control object in .NET  Applications. MIT stubble .NET
Nustache UserControls (Server-side) Used by User Control object in .NET  Applications MIT Nustache .Net Framework
OpenPop Mail and Pop3 Used by Applications manipulating Pop3 emails PUBLIC-DOMAIN License OpenPop.NET .Net Framework, .NET
MimeKit Mail and Pop3 Used by Applications manipulating Pop3 and SMTP emails MIT license MimeKit .Net Framework, .NET
StackExchange.Redis Cache on Redis Used by Applications with caching enabled on Redis cache server MIT license Redis .Net Framework, .NET
Ntidy.dll HtmlPreview in FullTextSearch Used when .NET Applications HtmlPreview and HTMLClean function functions are used. Full Text Search Data Types    

Java (Tidy.jar)

.Net (NTidy.dll)

Apache Commons IO Bundle Internal Usage for IO GX Standard Classes internal usage Apache License, Version 2.0 commons-io Java (commons-io-1.4.jar)
Apache Commons Codec Internal Usage for Encoding & Decoding GX Standard Classes internal usage Apache License, Version 2.0 commons-codec Java (commons-codec-1.9.jar)
Apache Commons Lang Internal Usage for String manipulation GX Standard Classes internal usage Apache License, Version 2.0 lang Java (commons-lang-2.4.jar)


XML Reading & Writing Used by the XMLReader Data Type and XMLWriter Data Type    

Java (xercesImpl.jar)

Apache Commons FileUpload File Upload to the server Used for uploading Blobs     Java (commons-fileupload-1.3.2.jar)
Apache commons NET Gives support for FTP       Java (commons-net-3.3.jar)
Joda Time Date and Time API Datetime management with timezone Apache License, Version 2.0 joda-time

Java (joda-time-2.8.2.jar)

Jersey Rest webservices Support for RESTful Web services in Java GNU GPL version 2 with the Classpath Exception jersey

Java (jersey-client.jar, jersey-common.jar, jersey-container-servlet-core.jar, jersey-core-1.4.jar, jersey-entity-filtering-2.22.2.jar, jersey-guava-2.22.2.jar, jersey-json-1.4.jar, jersey-media-json-jackson-2.22.2.jar, jersey-server-1.4.jar, jersey-server.jar,jackson-databind-*.jar)

Bouncy Castle Cryptography Support for Cryptography data type in JAVA MIT bouncycastle JAVA (bcpkix-jdk15on-160.jar, bcprov-jdk15on-160.jar)
Xml Security Cryptography Support for Cryptography (XML Signature) data type in JAVA Apache License, Version 2.0 santuario JAVA (xmlsec.jar)
WebSocket support WebNotifications Support for Web Sockets in DotNet Applications   net_library_eula_enu .Net Framework (Microsoft.WebSockets.dll)
AWS Amazon S3 External Blob Storage Support for storing blobs outside Database using Microsoft Azure Storage Apache License, Version 2.0 aws-sdk-net

Net Framework and .NET

  • AWSSDK.Core.dll
  • AWSSDK.S3.dll


  • aws-java-sdk-1.11.62.jar
  • httpclient-4.4.1.jar
  • httpcore-4.4.1.jar
Microsoft Azure Storage External Blob Storage Support for storing blobs outside Database using AWS S3 Apache License, Version 2.0 azure-storage-net

.Net Framework:

  • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll
  • Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll


  • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll
  • Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll


  • azure-storage-4.2.0.jar
IBM Cloud Object Storage External Blob Storage Support for storing blobs outside Database using IBM COS Apache License, Version 2.0 ibm-cos-sdk-java


  • ibm-cos-java-sdk-s3
Google Cloud Platform Storage External Blob Storage Support for storing blobs outside Database using Google Cloud Platform Storage Apache License, Version 2.0 google-api-dotnet-client

.Net Framework:

  • Google.Apis.Auth.dll
  • Google.Apis.Auth.PlatformServices.dll
  • Google.Apis.Core.dll
  • Google.Apis.dll
  • Google.Apis.PlatformServices.dll
  • Google.Apis.Storage.v1.dll
  • Google.Cloud.Storage.V1.dll
  • Google.Api.Gax.dll
  • Google.Api.Gax.Rest.dll

.NET packages:

  • Google.Apis.Auth
  • Google.Apis.Core
  • Google.Apis
  • Google.Apis.AndroidPublisher.v3


  • google-api-client-1.22.0
  • google-api-services-storage-
  • google-auth-library-credentials-0.6.0
  • google-auth-library-oauth2-http-0.6.0
  • google-cloud-0.8.1-alpha
  • google-cloud-core-0.8.1-alpha
  • google-cloud-storage-0.8.1-beta
  • google-http-client-1.22.0
  • google-http-client-appengine-1.22.0
  • google-http-client-jackson-1.22.0
  • google-http-client-jackson2-1.22.0
  • google-oauth-client-1.22.0
PDFBox printserver Client side web printing Apache License, Version 2.0 pdfbox pdfbox-2.0.18.jar, fontbox-2.0-18.jar
PdfPig indexing PDF files Used when Full text search feature is used. (ref.: Full Text Search Data Types) Apache License, Version 2.0 PdfPig  Only used in .NET and .NET Framewor generators (pdfpig.dll)
httpclient, httpcore httpclient HttpClient data type & http connections in gral Apache License, Version 2.0 hc.apache  
TOTP Two Factor Authentication Used when TOTP Authenticator is enabled


  • Apache License, Version 2.0
  • MIT



Java (commons-codec-1.9.jar, commons-net-3.3.jar, core-3.4.0.jar, javase-3.4.0.jar, jcommander-1.72.jar, totp-1.7.1.jar)

.Net Framework (Google.Authenticator.dll, QRCoder.dll)



  • Apache License, Version 2.0
  • MIT








Web Client-Side Libraries

Library Purpose License Type Files
jQuery Client-Side Rendering (Javascript) MIT License jquery.js
jQuery UI Client-Side Rendering (Javascript) MIT License Included in gxgral.js
Modernizr Detect HTML5 and CSS3 features in various browsers MIT License Included in gxgral.js
Bootstrap Front-end framework MIT License bootstrap, npm.js
howler.js Support for Audio API for Web MIT License howler.js
DHTML Calendar Date & Datetime Picker, Used when Enable DatePicker = yes Enable Datepicker property LGPL 3  
Highcharts Reporting (Charts): QueryViewer control OEM  
ECharts Reporting (Maps): QueryViewer control Apache License echarts.js
ECharts maps Reporting (Maps): QueryViewer control ODC Open Database License  
OAT Pivot Reporting (Pivot): QueryViewer control GNU General Public License  
  Mustache (for templating)   gxgral.js


JDBC Drivers

Driver License type Website
jt400.jar IBM Public License Version 1.0 http://sourceforge.net/projects/jt400/
jtds.jar ver1.2 LGPL 3 http://jtds.sourceforge.net/index.html
mysql-connector-java-5.1.49-bin.jar GPLv2
Commercial License
postgresql-8.1-407.jdbc3.jar BSD License http://jdbc.postgresql.org/
sqljdbc4.jar   http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms378749.aspx
ojdbc8.jar version 12.2..0.1 OTN License https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/appdev/jdbc-downloads.html


ADO.NET Drivers

Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core Oracle ADO.NET provider

Used when .NET Applications connect to Oracle DBMS

OTN License Agreement


MySql.Data MySQL ADO.NET provider Used when .NET Applications connects to MySQL DBMS GPLv2 https://www.nuget.org/packages/MySql.Data .NET
MySQLDriverCS MySQL ADO.NET provider Used when .NET Applications connects to MySQL DBMS GNU GPL http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysqldrivercs/ .Net Framework
Npgsl Postgre SQL ADO.NET provider Used whe .NET Applications connects to PostgreSQL DBMS License terms http://www.npgsql.org/

.Net Framework


See also

Last update: April 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant