This is the simplest template:
<%@ Template Language="C#" TargetLanguage="Text" Description="Default Menu." %>
<%-- Hello world template %>
<% for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
{ %>
Hello World <%= i %>
<% } %>
When executed, this template will generate the following:
- Hello World 0
- Hello World 1
- Hello World 2
- Hello World 3
- Hello World 4
The two most common template tags are used. The <%-- %> tags are used to embed comments in the template; these comments are not generated in the template output.
The <% %> tags are used to embed code that will be executed during the template execution. It can be C# or Visual Basic .NET code, depending on the content of the ‘Template’ directive. The default code is C#.
The <%= %> tags are used to write the contents of an expression to the template output.
GeneXus Template Language