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This log shows the most important news and features for creating a Super App + Mini App solution with GeneXus platform.

In the coming months, work will be focused on:

Since GeneXus 18 Upgrade 10:

  • Run and test a Mini App with a mock Super App (with GeneXus Project Navigator). More details here.
  • The method Provisioning.GetByFilters (to obtain from the Mini App Center a list of Mini Apps filtered by different attributes) is now supported in a iOS non-GeneXus Native Super Apps (SAC #54379) and GeneXus Super Apps (SAC #54381
  • For Android, several improvements in the Super App Render (for non-GeneXus Super Apps) and to the GeneXus Super App generator, particularly when the context changes between Mini App and Super App (SAC #54096).
  • Metadata Versioning in Native Applications Developed with GeneXus (SAC #54359).
  • The Mini App Center now supports multiple languages: Portuguese and Japanese have been added (in addition to English). For more details on changes made to the Mini App Center, refer to this link.

Since GeneXus 18 Upgrade 9:

  • SSO for Mini Apps and Android Native Super App. (SAC #54176).
  • Through the new GetByFilter method, it is now possible to obtain from the Mini App Center a list of Mini Apps filtered by different attributes in a Native Android Super App (SAC #54178).
  • Mini App Center - API Reference Documentation

Since GeneXus 18 Upgrade 8:

  • The Android Super App sample (for non-GeneXus Super App) now leverages Maven Central to integrate the Super App Render SDK. More details here.
  • First bits of Single Sign-On (SSO) for Mini Apps and Native Super Apps on Android, simplifying the unique authentication process for Mini Apps that share login credentials with the Super App.
  • First bits of Mocking Super App in Android, facilitating the development and testing process of a Mini App independently of the Super App.
  • Mini App Center API: Through this API, you can seamlessly integrate with Mini App Center functionalities. This includes creating Mini Apps, publishing new versions, submitting versions for review, and more.

Since GeneXus 18 Upgrade 7:

  • Mini App Center UI improvements for Mini App version management.
  • KB Samples for GeneXus Super App and their Mini Apps.
  • The GeneXusSuperApp Module includes a new property to identify a Mini App at runtime and a method to obtain a specific Mini App from the Mini App Center through its identifier.

Since GeneXus 18 Upgrade 6:

Up to GeneXus 18 Upgrade 3, it is possible to:

  • Convert a Native mobile application (Android or Apple) into a Super App (full-featured).
  • Create a Super App with GeneXus without the API interface for Mini Apps.
  • Model the Mini Apps for that Super App with GeneXus 18.
  • Publish Mini Apps in a Mini App Center specifically deployed for each organization or sandbox environment.


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