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This is a sample application (Web) emulating an Ebanking system where users can check their account status, make transfers, and view the credit cards they have available.

The solution is implemented using a scripted chatbot. See HowTo: Build a chatbot using GeneXus and Scripted Chatbots to understand the rationale behind this example.


The minimum required version for running this KB is GeneXus 18 Upgrade 2.

Basics of the application

The Knowledge Base has a sample for the Web (Assistant).

This assistant has a menu flow with three options, each one mapped to other different flows.


The main Object for calling the Assistant chatbot is as follows:
  • AssistantChatbotWebUI


The innovation presented in this sample is a flow that returns the response in graphic format.

The response shown below is the Credit Cards Transactions By Category Flow:


It uses the following Query object as a Conversational Object:


How to set up this example

Some other steps also need to be followed in order to get the sample ready to run:

1. Check that you have the Chatbot and GeneXusReporting modules. Go to the menu Knowledge Manager > Manage Module References, and check that they are installed (updated).

2. Do a checkout of the KB.

3. Do a rebuild all.

Note: The following link may help you if you don't know the steps to test a feature or build the application to see it in action: HowTo: Take advantage of a KB referenced in this wiki.


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