Saves the control context by default with the corresponding information.
Controls: Attribute/Variable, Grid, Free Style Grid
Default value: False.
Consider a Web Panel with a Grid. This Grid has the Notify Context Change property = True. What does this mean? It allows you to monitor a change made in a context related to the Grid; that is, if the user selects a line, the application will detect it and save this line selected as context.
'Context' refers to the specific state or focus within an application's form. When accessing the CustomerId textbox, the context is CustomerId; when accessing the invoice lines Grid, the context is the invoice line, and so on.
When moving inside a screen, the context of attributes and variables changes. Understanding these context changes is essential for creating an intent-oriented interface.
This approach allows for the triggering of events and the execution of actions based on the context information of the application; more specifically, where the cursor is positioned.
This is why it is said that the User Interface (UI) is context-sensitive: it gives more power to the final applications.
For attributes and variables, it only applies to non-read-only fields (with these possible controls: Combo Box, Radio Button, Edit, Check Box, Dynamic Combo Box, List Box, Dynamic List Box). When the Attribute/Variable gets the focus, the context is saved with that information. Value changes in the Attribute/Variable are not detected, only the cursor's focus on it. The same happens for attributes or variables in Free Style Grids.
In the case of a standard Grid:
In the case of standard/Free Style Grids:
The information tracked can be changed by programming the SetContext event.
Note: This property is not available when the attribute is a formula.
This property applies both at runtime and at design time.
Context Sensitive User Interfaces