Enables or disables the data cache. After configuring the Enable Database Access Caching property, configure the Change Frequency property for each table you want to have cached.
The result set of each table query is stored in a memory cache; while the cache does not expire, it is queried in each read operation without accessing the database.
No | Caching is disabled. This is the default value. |
Yes | Caching is enabled. |
Generators: .NET, Java
Level: Generator
The expiration of the cache is configured in the Time to Time TTL(mins) property and Hardly ever TTL(mins) property.
After changing the value of the property, a rebuild all is needed. All the programs which navigate to any table which is affected by this property, will change its source code.
This property applies only at design time.
To apply the corresponding changes when the property value is configured, execute a Rebuild All.
Time to Time TTL(mins) property
Hardly ever TTL(mins) property
Cache storage size property
Change frequency property