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Here some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about iOS 8.

1. Has iOS 8 been released?

Yes! Apple released iOS 8, you may have the update already available on your phone.

2. Do my apps work on devices with iOS 8?

There are no known issues if they have been generated with GeneXus X Evolution 2 Upgrade 6GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 1 or higher.
Issues related to Date Picker and others have been fixed in those upgrades.

3. What if they run on Iphone 6 or 6+?

If your apps have been generated with GeneXus X Evolution 2 Upgrade 6 or GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 1 they will scale as all legacy apps do on these devices.
To take advantage of the bigger screens, you need GeneXus X Evolution 2 Upgrade 7, GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 2, or higher. (not available as of September, 2014). A preview of GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 2 is expected to be released in november.

4. What iOS 8 specific features will support GeneXus?

Please attend this conference at the GX24 (material)

5. May I compile using XCode 6 with iOS 8 SDK?

Only XCode 5.x and iOS 7.x SDK or lower is supported in GeneXus X Evolution 2 Upgrade 6 or GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 1 or prior.
XCode 6 with iOS 8 SDK is required in GeneXus X Evolution 2 Upgrade 7, GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 2, or higher.

6. What if I'm prototyping with KBN?

As of September 2014, the KBN for X Evolution 3 has been updated to X Evolution 3 Upgrade 1 code base. The KBN for X Evolution 2 still corresponds to X Evolution 2 Upgrade 5 code base.

7. Can I upload to the Store new apps generated with GeneXus X Evolution 2 Upgrade 6 or GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 1 or prior?

As stated here "...beginning February 1, 2015 new iOS apps submitted to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK. ..."
That means that as of February 1, 2015, new  apps are required to be built with GeneXus X Evolution 2 Upgrade 7 or GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 2 or higher. You can still update apps generating with previous versions.

See Also

Apple Requirements

Last update: February 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant