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The development of a Mini App is similar to the development of any native application with GeneXus, with the following characteristics:

  • A Mini App is an application that will be executed within the Super App domain.
  • It is composed of “metadata” (a .gxsd file that will be rendered as a native app) and backend services.

Enroll as Mini App Development

A Mini App makes sense in the context of a Super App. Therefore, the first step is to register as a developer of a certain Super App (especially when developing a Mini App for a Super App that is external to your organization). This enables you to get all the resources needed to carry out the integration, namely, the Super App API and the eventual design and interaction resources that it provides.

Development and Prototyping

During the development stage, you will have to import the API of the Super App, in order to program the invocations to the services that it exposes.

You will also need to install the GeneXusMiniApps Module. It provides additional resources to interact with the Super App (for example, the Exit method to return to the Super App).

The Mini App is loaded dynamically from the Super App, so the following restrictions will apply in relation to other GeneXus apps:

And last, to be able to test your Mini App integrated to the services of the Super App, you need a sandbox version of the Super App.

Deploy and Review

Once you have completed the development and testing of the Mini App, the next step is to submit it for review.

This means that you must:

  1. Deploy the Mini App backend services in your production environment.
    This step can be performed through the Application Deployment tool. To generate the metadata, the "Enable KBN" property must be enabled.
  2. Publish a new Mini App version and submit it for review through the Mini App Center.
    This step requires you to get from the previous step: the application metadata file (.gxsd file generated in the gxmetadata directory for each platform) and the service URL.

You can see the details in HowTo: Upload a Mini App version to the Mini App Center.

Last update: February 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant