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Given the fact that we are surrounded by a constantly changing technological world, GeneXus is committed to its constant evolution as it releases new versions, generators, products, etc. In this sense, it has designed a beta testers program to which you may subscribe and thus participate in the birth and development of its new technologies.
This beta testing process is of fundamental importance for product development as it implies "submitting" the implementations under the wise decision of real users. So, not only do we come up with a stable product but also one that is of greater use.

Our objective is to encourage our clients to actively participate during the beta-test phase of our new products or versions and their features. We have listed the beta versions of the products you can request access to for testing purposes as well as send us your suggestions and comments.

Beta Testers Rules

You must own GeneXus to be a beta tester.
Only GeneXus clients can be part of the Beta Testers program.

The Beta Versions do not correspond to an official public and commercial release.
They're being handed to you under confidence and under the following special conditions:

1. The purpose is to show you its new features and technologies and receive your comments and/or criticisms.
2. It cannot be used under any concept for production purposes.
3. GeneXus SA does not assume any responsibility whatsoever, on the fact that this version has facilities that may not be maintained in the final version.
4. This commitment assumes total confidentiality and you will not even be allowed to show the version in operation to others without GeneXus' special authorization.
5. By using any version in Alpha or Beta test phase will be interpreted as an agreement from your part of the mentioned conditions.

Active Betas

You can find the products available for beta testing at

GeneXus has continuously a GeneXus Beta Channel open.

Last update: December 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant