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There are three basic steps:

  1. Setting up create options
  2. Creating the object using the StripeSDKMain External Object
  3. Loading the response or handling errors


Setting up Create Options

Each object has (its own) Create Options, an SDT where different properties are set and sent to Stripe to determine how the object will be created. (E.g, in a charge, you determine the customer, currency, amount, etc).

Creating the object using the StripeSDKMain External Object

To make the API call using StripeSDKMain External Object, you just need to create a 
StripeSDKMain variable and call one of its methods, which usually receive 5 parameters:

  • ApiKey (your secret key) in
  • JSON (charge create options) in
  • Response (Json of the response from stripe servers) out
  • Errors (Json of StripeError SDT if errors exist) out
  • ErrorCode (numeric, 0 is ok, 1 means there was an error on Stripe servers) out


Load Response or Handle Errors

If the call was successful, ErrorCode will return 0. The response will be loaded with a stripeCreateXxxxxxResponse JSON, which can be loaded to its corresponding SDT to handle information. 

If there was an error on Stripe's end, ErrorCode will return 1 and no response will be loaded, instead, Errors will be loaded, describing what went wrong. This JSON can be loaded to StripeError SDT to display and handle error information.


    //Set up create options
    &stripeChargeCreateOptions.Amount = 4500
    &stripeChargeCreateOptions.Currency = "usd"
    &stripeChargeCreateOptions.SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = StripeCardControl.StripeCardToken

    //Make the API call
    &JSON = &stripeChargeCreateOptions.ToJson()
    //Handle Errors
    if(&ErrorCode = 0)

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