Official Content

This document provides the steps to install GeneXus, including considerations and existing restrictions regarding Apple CPUs with Intel Core processors.

Step 1 - Install desktop virtualization software

Since the GeneXus IDE runs on Windows, you need to install desktop virtualization software and create a virtual machine. In this case, installing Parallels is suggested, and the following steps have been tested on it.

In addition to the Parallels requirements, you need to take into account the requirements associated with GeneXus.

Step 2 - Install Windows

You can use the Home version of Windows, which is suggested by Parallels.

Also, you can use Windows from Boot Camp, transfer your PC, or install Windows from your source.

Step 3 - Install Microsoft SQL Server (Any Edition)

GeneXus stores Knowledge Bases in Microsoft SQL Server. For this reason, you need to install SQL Server Express LocalDB or any other edition of SQL Server.

Step 4 - Install GeneXus

Follow the GeneXus Installation Steps described in the GeneXus 18 Installation Manual.

Step 5 - Install the requirements for Application Prototyping

GeneXus provides a variety of mechanisms to easily prototype applications, either with emulators or by executing directly on the device, depending on the selected mobile platform. Even though this scenario is ideal for prototyping your iPhone or iPad application on your Mac, you can even Prototyping in iOS with a compiled application.

If you also want to prototype your native mobile application for Android, you can follow the steps shown in Run Android emulator  or Prototyping Android Apps with Genymotion.

Check GeneXus 17 hardware and software requirements for other requirements for prototyping applications.

See Also

HowTo: Prepare a Mac with ARM architecture for GeneXus


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