Replaces the Current TimeZone (CTZ) with the one indicated in the parameter.
&boolean = DateTime.SetTimeZone(<TimeZone>)
Is a parameter that must be of Timezones Domains type.
Note: This domain doesn’t list all possible Time Zone values. Therefore, if you need to use one that is not included in the domain, using TimeZones.Convert(<string>) is suggested; being <string> the Time Zone's name.
Data Type:
Type returned:
- True if the function was successfully executed.
- False if the parameter value is not valid.
Generators: .NET, .NET Framework, Java, Ruby (up to GeneXus X Evolution 3)
By using this method, an application could offer a feature that shows data in a different TZ than the one automatically selected. For example, an SD application for managing meetings usually shows the time of a meeting in the TZ corresponding to the physical location in which it will take place. However, an end-user may need to have this time shown in a different TZ, in order to be able to participate in the meeting.
- This method has no effect on the way data is stored in and/or retrieved from the database (read DateTime storage timezone property).
- Changing the CTZ with this method affects the entire session, until it is executed again.
Event 'SetTZ'
&bool= DateTime.SetTimeZone(Timezones.Azores)
Suppose that this application is run from a device in Uruguay. The TimeZone considered for all operations with DateTimes will be America/Montevideo. If, for example, a query is made by the TimeZone (with GetTimeZone method), ‘America/Montevideo’ will be obtained.
However, after running the ‘SetTZ’ event shown in the example, the TimeZone for the entire application is changed to 'Atlantic/Azores' for all operations with DateTimes as from executing this event and until another SetTimeZone is executed.
Enabling TimeZone Support
DateTime storage timezone property
GetTimeZone method
FromTimeZone method
CurrentOffset method