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When working with GeneXus X Evolution 2 Upgrade 3 or higher and using KBs created with previous versions, the following compatibility considerations have to be taken into account:

Compatibility with GeneXus X Evolution 1 or previous versions

The implementation is fully compatible when DateTime storage timezone property is set to 'Undefined'.

Compatibility with GeneXus X Evolution 2 Upgrade 2 or previous

Case 1: DateTime storage timezone property was set to 'Not Set'  

The implementation is fully compatible when DateTime storage timezone property is set to 'Undefined'. When you open an existing KB with X Evolution 2 or higher, the value is automatically converted from 'Not Set' to 'Undefined''.

Case 2: DateTime storage timezone property was set to '(GMT/UTC) Greenwich Mean Time'

The new implementation is fully compatible when DateTime storage timezone property remains set to '(GMT/UTC) Greenwich Mean Time'.

Case 3: DateTime storage timezone property was set to a TimeZone Offset (+- HH:MM) <City or Region> Time

This implementation had errors because it didn’t consider DST. For this reason, this value was eliminated and replaced with "Application Server".

This is what happens upon opening an existing KB with X Evolution 2 Upgrade 3:

The value is changed to 'Undefined' and a message is displayed:

"Due to compatibility issues with daylight savings, the "DateTime storage timezone" property has been set to "Undefined".

In this case, the next step is to convert the saved values to UTC by performing a data conversion and using the functions available in the TimeZone Support.


SAC 32842
SAC 33165

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