GeneXus X Evolution 2 is specially targeted for the revolution happening around Smart Devices Development and the evolution in Web applications.
It precedes GeneXus X Evolution 3.
- GeneXus X Evolution 2 Samples
Explains scenarios, shows screenshots, online sites, apps in the Apple store, Google Play and BlackBerry Appworld, and sample Knowledge bases.
GeneXus X Evolution 2 was born in the night of October 29th, 2010 as a first nightbuild available to some close partners of GeneXus International. In November 2010 the Beta 1 was released to all GeneXus' customers. Since then 1337 elite developers and 594 companies have been beta testing this version, making the past beta process one of the longest in GeneXus' history and making GeneXus X Evolution 2 the most beta tested version ever by the GeneXus Community.
- November 5th, 2010 - Beta 1 : Android Generator, REST Services in Ruby, first mention of Semantic Domains
- March 15th, 2011 - Beta 2 : Blackberry and iOS added, Access to Smart devices API, Built-in security module (Authentication), REST Services in all Web Generators. Deploy to Cloud to Amazon's EC2 Servers.
- July 1st, 2011 - Beta 3 : Themes, advanced filters, more UI Controls and other features in Smart Devices, Extensibility in Smart Devices.
- September 12th, 2011 - Beta 4 : First apps in Apple Store, Android Market (now Google Play) and BlackBerry Appworld. Improved UI, more User Controls support for outstanding native user experience in Smart Devices. Versioning for seamless mobile application updates in markets. Timezone features for global apps. HTML 5 and CSS 3 W3C standards are the new defaults for web generation in GeneXus.
- December 22nd, 2011 - Beta RC : More apps in the markets, User Experience, Developer Experience, Built-in security module (Authentication, Authorization), Caching using SQLite, Client Information API.
- March 15th, 2012 - GeneXus X Evolution 2 Released: Growing number of apps in the markets (keyword GeneXus) , Push Notifications, Ad-based apps support, more UI Controls, improved User Experience!