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Official Content

When building an application for smart devices the use of images is basic towards achieving an appealing application that is also easy to use. There are several types of images used in SD apps. Each of them is meant for a different purpose.

There are a number of design resources that we should consider for obtaining an application that is not only appealing but also validated by all markets: Google Play (Android), Apple Store, and App World (BlackBerry). For instance, for one single image, iPhone requires one size and iPad a different size; and this happens with every device and format. Images for landscape format are not the same as those for a portrait.

This document includes the images used in this type of application and the aspects to be borne in mind while designing them.

Image Types

Application Icon

This is the image from which the application installed on the device is identified.


Application Image - Android


Images of different sizes must be created for the various devices.

The extension must be .PNG

For iOS, they must NOT be transparent, the icon is designed on a square and the rounded borders will appear automatically on the device.  
In Android and BlackBerry, the transparency aspect may exist or not.

In GeneXus, all these images must be loaded on an Image object on the KB, and varying according to the theme or density we define which image goes for each platform. So then, for example, we can set the Image Object that contains all the icons on every Application Icon property and change the icons only on that object.


iOS - more info

   iPhone 6 Plus (@3x)   iPhone 6 and iPhone 5 (@2x)   iPhone 4s (@2x)   iPad and iPad mini (@2x)   iPad 2 and iPad mini (@1x) 
App icon 180x180 120x120 120x120 152x152 76x76
App icon for App Store 1024x1024
Spotlight search results icon 120x120 80x80 80x80 80x80 40x40
Settings icon 87x87 58x58 58x58 58x58 29x29
Toolbar and navigation bar icon (optional) 66x66 44x44 44x44 44x44 22x22


  ldpi mdpi hdpi xhdpi
Application Icon 36x36 (120dpi) 48x48 (160dpi) 72x72 (240dpi) 96x96 (320dpi)


Application Icon 68x68

Windows Phone


  100 140 240
Square 44 44x44 62x62 106x106
Square 71 71x71 99x99 170x170
Square 150 150x150 210x210 360x360
Wide 310x150 310x150 434x210 744x360
Store Logo 50x50 70x70 120x120
Badge Logo 24x24 33x33 58x58

*Square 71, Square 150 and Wide 310x150 should have a transparent background.

Official guides by device:

Launch Image

This is the image shown while the application is in the loading process.


Welcome Image - Android Sample


The extension is .PNG and WITHOUT transparency.


  Landscape Portrait
iPhone - iPod 320 x 480 480 x 320
iPhone Retina 640 x 960 960 x 640
iPhone 5 640 x 1136 1136 x 640
iPhone 6 1334 x 750 750 x 1334
iPhone 6 Plus 2208 x 1242 1242 x 2208
iPad 1024 x 748 768 x 1004
iPad Retina 2048 x 1496 1536 x 2008


Android Portrait Variable depending on device 480 x 800 is recommended Other: 320 x 480 Android Portrait Launch Image
Android Landscape Variable depending on device 800 x 480 is recommended Other: 480 x 320 Android Landscape Launch Image


Launch Image 200 x 200 (supports transparency) 

Windows Phone

  100  140 240
Splash Screen 480x800 672x1120 1152x1920

Icons in the Internet – Images for Application Icon, menu options and more

Split Mode Background Images for iPad

Only for applications running on iPad with SPLIT navigation style. It is on the right when the application is being loaded.


IPAD Background Image - sample

In GeneXus, it must be set in the property of the main object ‘iPad Landscape Background Image’ and 'iPad Portrait Background Image'. These properties are enabled only when the ‘Generate iOS’ property of the smart device generator is True.


Applicable only to iPad (landscape and portrait). Different size images have to be created for the various formats.
The extension must be .PNG and WITHOUT transparency.

  Size (pixels) Property Name
iPad Landscape 703 x 704  iPad Landscape Background Image
iPad Portrait 768 x 960 iPad Portrait Background Image
iPad Retina Landscape 1406 x 1408 iPad Retina Landscape Background Image
iPad Retina Portrait 1536 x 1920 iPad Retina Portrait Background Image


Tabs Icon

These icons are used in the items of a main Menu for Smart Devices object when the value of the Control property is "Tabs".


Tab Image - Ipad Sample


The extension must be .PNG and WITH transparency (alpha channel <> 1). The transparency automatically enables a view when the tab is selected, different from the view with the unselected tab.

Device 1x 2x 3x
iOS 25x25 min / 48x32 max 50x50 min / 96x64 max 75x75 min / 144x96 max
Android 48x48 (hdpi) - -

There are some images that the iOS framework provides as standard icons for actions and tabs. See more information here.

Icon for the market

This is the image that represents the application in the market (Google Play (Android), Apple App Store, Windows Phone Store or BlackBerry App World). It will appear on the list and in its detail when found.

This image is not configured in GeneXus, instead, it is loaded at the time of uploading the application to each market for the various platforms.


Icon market - android sample

These are mandatory images required for uploading to each store.

In some cases, there are other non-mandatory images (for instance: a promotional graph in Android, appearing when the application is shown on a highlighted section).

There are also screenshots images that are mostly mandatory.

Considerations for ANDROID -

Image for Dashboard Option

It is the image associated with each option (item) in a dashboard. It is set in the 'Image' property of each Dashboard Option.


In run-time, these images are adjusted to an 86x86 size in iPhone and iPad, and to 96x96 in Android. So, if the image used is smaller, it will be 'enlarged' so as to adjust to the referred sizes.  

iPhone/iPad Retina Notes:

The iPhone 4, the 3rd generation iPad and later models, have what is called "Retina Display" which provides better resolution in the same screen size. The resolution of the Retina Display twice as wide and twice as long, compared to the earlier models displays. In the case of the iPhones, the resolution is 320 x 480, while in the case of iPhone Retina, the resolution is 640 x 960 (double width and double height). For the iPad is 768 x 1024 for the earlier models, and 1536 x 2048 for the Retina iPad models.

What GeneXus does is to copy all images used, and search the most appropriate for the device. In devices with Retina Display, it searches for an image with the same name and suffix "_2x". If GeneXus find it, then it is used. If not, the original one is used, and it is scaled in order to fit the same space on the screen (turning its view pixeled).



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