Some MercadoLibre API requires authentication. If you have a valid MercadoLibre user and their access token you can create a Test user, in order to use it instead of your real user.
You just need to call the Procedure CreateTestUser.
For example:
CreateTestUser( “MLB”, “<your access token here>”)
Now GeneXus Meli SDK created a new user, this time gives you the username and password. Follow Get Your MercadoLibre Access Token in a new Web browser session1 and request the access token for this new Test User.
Now we are ready to List an Item (that means to publish an item to Mercado Libre Site) using this new Test User.
Tip: See also the example object PublishItem that shows you the full cycle of creating a test user with your real user, and the publish an item with this test user.
1 could be new browser session or open the browser in incognito mode, to avoid the previous user session.