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Through the KB Explorer you can go to the GeneXus > Common > Configuration module and find the domain named StorageProviderType.

By defining variables based on this domain, you are able to use methods to manage the application's global data (any type of files) in an external storage. The external storage can be Amazon, Azure, Google, or IBM Cloud (the possible external storages are the same as the Storage Provider property values).



Saves a file to the external storage, and returns TRUE if the operation was successful.

Return value     Boolean
Parameters             FileFullPath:Character, [StorageObjectFullName:Character], [OutUploadedFile:File], [OutMessages:Messages]

You can use the OutUploadedFile parameter if you want to get a reference (File data type) of the file in the external storage. Use GetURI() to get the URI of the file in the storage.


Saves the file as private in the external storage and returns TRUE if the operation was successful.

The file is signed and uploaded to the bucket. The certificate used to sign the file is generated by the provider.

Return value Boolean
Parameters             FileFullPath:Character, [StorageObjectFullName:Character], [OutUploadedFile:File], [OutMessages:Messages]

You can use the OutUploadedFile parameter to get a reference (File data type) of the file in the external storage. Use GetURI() to get the URI of the file in the storage.


Gets a reference (File data type) of the file in the external storage. Returns TRUE if the operation was successful.

Return value Boolean
Parameters StorageObjectFullName:Character, OutExternalFile:File, [OutMessages:Messages]


Gets a reference (File data type) of the file in the external storage. Returns TRUE if the operation was successful.

Return value Boolean
Parameters StorageObjectFullName:Character, OutExternalFile:File, ExpirationMinutes:Numeric, [OutMessages:Messages]

OutExternalFile is the file retrieved from the bucket and contains the URL.

The URL obtained is valid only for a period of time, determined by the ExpirationMinutes parameter.


Downloads the external file to the application server and saves it locally. Returns TRUE if the operation was successful.

Return value Boolean
Parameters StorageObjectFullName:Character, OutLocalFile:File, [OutMessages:Messages]

With the OutLocalFile you can define where the external file is going to be saved after being downloaded.


(Only applies to Azure Storage Provider)
Downloads the private external file to the application server and saves it locally. Returns TRUE if the operation was successful.

Return value Boolean
Parameters StorageObjectFullName:Character, OutLocalFile:File, [OutMessages:Messages]

With the OutLocalFile you can define where the external file is going to be saved after being downloaded.


Gets a Directory in the external storage (the cloud).

Return value Boolean
Parameters StorageDirectoryFullName:Character, OutExteralDirectory:Directory, [OutMessages:Messages]

In Amazon, the format is <bucketname>: Directory
For example: genexuss3test:\petsFolder\


  • The StorageObjectFullName is the full name that the file has in the bucket (including folders and extension).
  • The Messages object is a collection of Messages.Message with the following format:
    • Id: The error code returned by the Storage Provider (Amazon S3, Google, etc)
    • Type: (0 = Warning,1 = Error) 
    • Description: The error description returned by the Storage Provider.
    When there is no error, the &Messages collection is empty.


Uploading an image

Consider a scenario where you need to upload files to the external storage manually. Note that the file to be uploaded to the external storage has been uploaded previously to the application server.

First, define a &Storage variable, of StorageProvider data type.

The file to be saved to the external storage is originally located on the server's file system, so use the File data type to get its absolute path.
The Upload method of the Storage Provider API allows you to give a full name to the file being uploaded, including folders and extension.

&Storage = new() //This line of code creates a new instance of the external storage configured in the KB
&File.Source ="catToUpload.jpg" //&File is of File data type.
&FileFullPath = &File.GetAbsoluteName()
&StorageObjectFullName = "petsFolder/cat.jpg"
if ( &Storage.Upload(&FileFullPath, &StorageObjectFullName, &UploadedFile, &Messages) )
    &URL = &UploadedFile.GetURI() //&URL of the uploaded file
     for &Message in &Messages
        msg(&Message.Description, status)

In this sample, given that the bucket name is genexuss3test, the folder petsFolder is created under that bucket and contains the file uploaded.


Getting the reference to a file in the external storage

Here you get the URI of the file located in the external storage. &ExternalFile is of File data type.

&StorageObjectFullName = "petsFolder/cat.jpg"
if ( &Storage.Get(&StorageObjectFullName, &ExternalFile, &Messages) )
    msg(format("The external URI of the image is : %1", &ExternalFile.GetURI()), status)
    for &Message in &Messages 
      msg(&Message.Description, status) 

It returns:

Downloading a file to the application server's file system

This sample shows you the code to download the external file to the server's file system. &LocalFile is of File Data type.

&StorageObjectFullName = "petsFolder/cat.jpg"
&LocalFile.Source = "catDownloadFromStorage.jpg"
if ( &Storage.Download(&StorageObjectFullName, &LocalFile, &Messages) )
    msg(format("Image downloaded to : %1", &LocalFile.GetAbsoluteName()), status)
   for &Message in &Messages 
      msg(&Message.Description, status) 

Deleting files in the external storage folder

Here, you remove all the files from the external storage folder. &ExternalDirectory is of Directory data type.

Note that the file is treated as an external file here.

&DirectoryFullName = "petsFolder"
if ( &Storage.GetDirectory(&DirectoryFullName, &ExternalDirectory, &Messages) )
    for &ExternalFile in &ExternalDirectory.GetFiles()
    msg(format("The directory %1 couldn't be obtained", &DirectoryFullName))
    for &Message in &Messages   
        msg(&Message.Description, status)   

Deleting a file in the external storage folder

&StorageObjectFullName = "folder/catToUpload.jpg" 
&found = &StorageProvider.Get(&StorageObjectFullName, &File, &outMessages)
If &found
    Log.Error(!"File not Found")

Sample using Private Files

&Storage = new() 
&File.Source = "catToUpload.jpg" 
&FileFullPath = &File.GetAbsoluteName()
&StorageObjectFullName = "Private/cat1.jpg"

if (&Storage.UploadPrivate(&FileFullPath, &StorageObjectFullName) )
    msg("File has been successfuly uploaded", status)
     for &Message in &Messages
        msg(&Message.Description, status)


msg(&UploadedFile.GetURI(), status) //URL is valid during 11 minutes

Sample download

Download the complete sample from Storage provider API sample.

Change the Storage Provider at runtime

See Configuration.ExternalStorage External Object.


The Storage Provider API is available for Java and .NET Generators and all Storage providers supported by the Storage Provider property.
Exception: UploadPrivate and GetPrivate are available only for .NET Generator and Amazon S3 since GeneXus 15 Upgrade 3. They are available for .NET Generator and Java Generators for Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure since GeneXus 15 Upgrade 7. These methods will be available for the rest of platforms in the upcoming upgrades.

Last update: April 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant