Official Content

GeneXus provides a set of built-in APIs, Structured Data Types, and Domains to manage abstract concepts and interact with different technologies, devices, sensors, etc.

They are currently read-only and encapsulated in modules, all under 'GeneXus'. You can find them under 'References' in the KB Explorer, in the 'Domains' tool window, and in the 'Standard Variables' section.

Built-in modules

Main Benefits

  • It is clear to all developers that these objects are maintained by GeneXus.
  • Making them read-only avoids occasional errors and compatibility issues.
  • Their implementation is already built and is also shipped built-in with GeneXus. Therefore, GeneXus does not need to build (specify, generate, compile) them on every KB/Version/Environment.

Some of them have not only been moved to a module but have also been renamed to improve usability. However, note that their internal identification (GUID) remains the same in all cases to minimize compatibility issues when migrating from previous versions (eg.: code that referenced "ClientInformation" now automatically references "GeneXus.Client.ClientInformation").

Renamed built-in objects

External objects
Name Module
ClientInformation GeneXus.Client
ClientStorage GeneXus.Client
ClientStorage GeneXus.Client
Analytics GeneXus.Common
Clipboard GeneXus.Common
Geolocation GeneXus.Common
Log GeneXus.Common
Server GeneXus.Common
Runtime GeneXus.Common
Progress external object GeneXus.Common.UI
Navigation GeneXus.Common.UI
Actions GeneXus.SD
Contacts GeneXus.SD
Calendar GeneXus.SD
DeepLink GeneXus.SD
DeviceAuthentication GeneXus.SD
Interop GeneXus.SD
Network GeneXus.SD
Beacons GeneXus.SD
Scanner GeneXus.SD
Search GeneXus.SD
WebBrowser GeneXus.SD
Permissions GeneXus.SD.iOS
Audio GeneXus.SD.Media
AudioRecorder GeneXus.SD.Media
Camera GeneXus.SD.Media
PhotoLibrary GeneXus.SD.Media
LocalNotifications GeneXus.SD.Notifications
Store GeneXus.SD.Store
SynchronizationEvents GeneXus.SD.Synchronization
Facebook GeneXus.Social
Twitter GeneXus.Social
Share GeneXus.Social
WebNotifications GeneXus.Web.Notifications


Structured Data Types
Name Module
AnalyticsPurchase GeneXus.Common
GeolocationInfo GeneXus.Common
GeolocationProximityAlert GeneXus.Common
Messages GeneXus.Common
Configuration Genexus.Common.Notifications
Delivery Genexus.Common.Notifications
Event Genexus.Common.Notifications
LocalizedText Genexus.Common.Notifications
Notification Genexus.Common.Notifications
Target Genexus.Common.Notifications
ContactInfo GeneXus.SD
LoginExternalAdditionalParameters GeneXus.SD
BeaconInfo GeneXus.SD
BeaconProximityAlert GeneXus.SD
BeaconRegion GeneXus.SD
BeaconState Genexus.SD
ScannedBarcodes GeneXus.SD
SearchScope GeneXus.SD
MediaItem GeneXus.SD.Media
MediaQueue GeneXus.SD.Media
MediaQueueState GeneXus.SD.Media
LocalNotificationsInfo GeneXus.Notifications
PurchaseReceiptInformation GeneXus.SD.Store
PurchaseResult GeneXus.SD.Store
StoreProductCollection GeneXus.SD.Store
SynchronizationEventResult GeneXus.SD.Synchronization
SynchronizationEvent GeneXus.SD.Synchronization
SynchronizationInfo GeneXus.SD.Synchronization
NotificationInfo GeneXus.Web.Notification


Name Module
OfflineEventReplicator GeneXus.Synchronization
AddDeviceGroups Genexus.Common.Notifications
AddDeviceTargetFilter Genexus.Common.Notifications
RemoveDeviceGroups Genexus.Common.Notifications
RemoveDeviceTargetFilter Genexus.Common.Notifications
SendEvent Genexus.Common.Notifications
SendEventTargets Genexus.Common.Notifications
SendNotification Genexus.Common.Notifications
SendNotificationTarget Genexus.Common.Notifications


Built-in objects without changes (They are not read-only)

The built-in objects listed below have not changed because their purpose is to be customized by the developer.
These objects are under the GeneXus folder of the KB.

Objects unchanged
Name Located folder Object type
Global Events /GeneXus/Common External Object
NotificationsRegistrationHandler /GeneXus/SD/Notifications Procedure
ValidatePurchase /GeneXus/SD/Store Procedure
GxAfterEventReplicator /GeneXus/SD/Synchronization Procedure
GxOnPendingEventFailed /GeneXus/SD/Synchronization Procedure
AppMasterPage /GeneXus/Web Master Page
LinksList /GeneXus/Web Structured Data type
PromptMasterPage /GeneXus/Web Master Page
RecentLinks /GeneXus/Web Web Component
RwdMasterPage /GeneXus/Web Master Page
RwdPromptMasterPage /GeneXus/Web MasterPage
RwdRecentLinks /GeneXus/Web WebComponent



Semantic Domains do not change their names, but they are distributed with the GeneXus module too.


  1. When building, you may get "error: 'GeneXus' version 0.19 cannot be downloaded. Is it a built-in module? Try execute "genexus.exe /install" command. Otherwise, you need to update the module version to an accessible one."
    Solution: Close GeneXus, execute genexus.exe /install, open GeneXus, then the menu Knowledge / Manage Modules, and install the highest available GeneXus module.
  2. When importing, you may get "Cannot import '{0}', it is already defined in referenced module '{1}'". 
    Solution: That is not a problem. GeneXus is just preventing importing an object that is already in a referenced module. To get a newer version of that object you may ask the provider for it and install it using the Module Manager.


Last update: December 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant