Official Content

An application generated for Angular has the following main parts:

  • Frontend, to be deployed to an HTTP Server
  • REST Services, to be deployed to an Application Server
  • Database

Deploying the Frontend

You can find more information about this topic in this article: HowTo: Deploy Frontend applications to a Cloud Provider Object Storage.

Deploying the Services

Create a Deployment Unit object with your main object and deploy the services like described in Application Deployment tool.

Deploying to On-Premises Servers

To deploy an Angular application to on-premises servers, you can choose one of the following two options:

  • Deploy both the Frontend and Backend using Docker.
  • Generate only the Frontend bundle and solve the URL Rewrite rules separately.

Deploying with Docker (Frontend and Backend)

To deploy both the Frontend and Backend to on-premises servers using Docker containers, follow the steps described in HowTo: Deploy Frontend applications to Docker containers.

Docker handles aspects such as URL Rewrites and other configurations required for deployment, providing a comprehensive and efficient solution.

Deploying the Frontend with Bundle and URL Rewrite

To do this, follow the steps described in HowTo: Deploy Frontend applications to a Cloud Provider Object Storage, making sure to select the Only Package option to generate only the Frontend bundle of your Angular application.

Next, install the obtained package on a web server such as Apache or IIS and configure, as appropriate, the URL Rewrite rules options and other features required for the application to work properly.

Make sure to carefully configure the URL Rewrite rules so that your Angular application routes are handled correctly by the web server.


See Export Reorganization for more information.

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