Defines an Application Programming Interface for a set of programs like Data Providers or Procedures.
An API object groups several services that are semantically and functionally related. For each service, it declares a mapping between its external name (exposed as a service) and the internal implementation in the Knowledge Base (KB). It features flexibility in terms of service declaration, allowing the configuration of the HTTP method to be used when the service is REST. It also allows indicating the name and type of the parameters, offering great flexibility in parameter transformation.
It is meant for modeling an API mediation layer that clearly separates the interface from the implementation and so facilitates incremental development and the management of the evolution of an API.
The API interface is declared in the 'Service Source' part of the object.
For each service of the interface, you can declare:
- Name
- Parameters
- Which GeneXus object contains the implementation and with what parameters it is called.
- Annotations for protocol-specific options.
The API object allows you to expose an API for the following protocols:
At the object level, you have properties to enable each of them.
(*) The gRPC protocol is not supported in the .NET Framework generator. It is in beta state in the .NET and Java generators.
Events can be defined in the 'Events' part of the object.
This is where you can do the following:
- Program data transformations to the service parameters, before and after calling the object that implements the service, which helps to maintain a stable API
- Manage traffic, analyze it, apply service policies. That is, for example, count service calls, log them, accept or deny access to your API.
For each API object, you can define a 'Before' and 'After' event, which will be executed before and after each service implementation.
In addition, for each service you can define '<service name>.Before|After' events. So, every time a service is invoked, the following will be executed:
- Event 'Before'
- Event '<service>.Before'
- The object corresponding to the implementation of the service, referenced in the 'Service Source'
- Event '<service>.After'
- Event 'After'
Database access is not allowed in Events. That kind of logic should be placed in the called Procedures or Data Providers.
Here you can define the variables to be used in the 'Service Source' and 'Events'.
There are some standard variables of each API object:
- &Pgmname - It contains the name of the object.
- &Pgmdesc - It contains the description of the object.
- &RestMethod - It contains the HTTP method with which the object was called. It is empty when the object is called using protocols other than REST.
- &RestCode - You may set it to customize the returned HTTP Status Code.
Note: The values that the &RestCode variable can take are those of the categories: 2xx and 4xx. For more information see
SAC #50865.
These are the properties that can be set at the object level:
This sample showcases the API called 'Client' with services to list clients, get details of a specific client, and insert a client.
This is the 'Service Source' part of the API object:
=> Core.ClientsList(&ClientCategoryCode,&SDTClients);
=> Core.ClientGetbyKey(&ClientId,&Client);
=> Core.ClientInsert(&ClientId,&ClientName,&ClientAddress,&Messages);
- When accessed through the Rest Protocol, List and GetByKey are accessed via HTTP 'GET' Method, and Insert is accessed via 'POST' declared with the '[RestMethod(POST)]' annotation.
- Service parameters have to be declared as in, out, or inout.
- Parameter mapping and parameter value transformations can be done using the 'Events' part as shown below.
- Overloading of services can be achieved in the REST interfaces by combining RestMethod and RestPath annotations.
- For the REST protocol, the URI is as shown below:
So, in this sample, it is similar to the following:
Unless you use the "Services base path" property, where the URL is as shown:
- Objects referenced in the right part of each service are called using an internal protocol, even if they are exposed as services, or their Call protocol property says different.
This is the 'Events' part:
Event Before
Event List.Before
&ClientCategoryCode = 'Any'
Event Insert.Before
if &ClientId <= 0
&RestCode = 412
Event GetByKey.After
if &Client.ClientId = 0
&Message.Type = MessageTypes.Error
&Message.Description = format("Client %1 was not found",&ClientId)
&RestCode = 404
- 'List.Before' initializes a variable that is not part of the API but that is required by the called object
- The Procedure associated with the Insert service (and the Insert.After event) in this sample will only be executed if &ClientId > 0
You can download the source of this sample from this article: API Object Playground.
When Generate OpenAPI interface property is enabled, GeneXus generates a .yaml with the OpenAPI specification for each API object. That file (named <apiobject's qualified name>.yaml) contains all the information related to the services exposed by the API.
Parameters in the query string (input parameters of the services) are named, separated by &, and are also case-sensitive in Java. Therefore, if you consume the API, make sure to name them using the casing declared in the .yaml so that your consumer does not depend on the generator used to provide the services.
When importing the YAML of an API Object into another KB using the OpenAPI import tool, avoid defining variables based on SDTs marked as collections. Instead, create the variables and then mark them as collections in the API Object interface. If you do not follow this process, the generated procedures may cause cancellations during deserialization, indicating a problem with the SDT's JSON format.
First Steps with API objects
API object Syntax
RestPath annotation
RestMethod annotation