Official Content

This page lists and describes the MSBuild tasks related to Modules.

AddModulesServer Task

Adds a module server definition that is required for publishing a packaged module.


Parameter Type Description
Type Required string Specifies the type of server.
  • Directory
  • NexusNuGet
  • Nexus - Maven
Name Required string Specifies the server identifier. The name should be a valid identifier without spaces or special characters.
Source Required string Specifies the server source. Depending on the Type of module server, it could be a directory path or a valid URL to a Nexus installation.
Preserve bool If true, saves the server settings for later use. Default false.
OverwriteDefinition bool If true, overwrites the existing definition. Default false.
User string Optional parameter to indicate the user name. 
Password string Optional parameter to specify the password.


This sample shows how to create a local module server. The modules are going to be stored in the file system.
msbuild addserver.msbuild /t:AddServer /p:ServerType=Directory /p:Directory=c:\mymodules /p:ServerName=MyServer
<Project DefaultTargets="AddServer" xmlns="">

	<Import Project="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Genexus.Tasks.targets" />

	<Target Name="AddServer">
		<AddModulesServer Type="$(ServerType)" Name="$(ServerName)" Source="$(Directory)" />

GetModulesServer Task

Gets the list of module servers accessible from the GeneXus installation.


Parameter Type Description
Servers Required string Output parameter.


This sample shows how to get the list of module servers accessible from the GeneXus installation.
msbuild GetModulesServer.msbuild /t:PrintModulesServers
<Project DefaultTargets="PrintModulesServers" xmlns="">
  <Import Project="$(gx_program_dir)\Genexus.Tasks.targets" />
  <Target Name= "PrintModulesServers">
      <Output TaskParameter="Servers" ItemName="WellKnownModuleServers"/>
    <Message Text="MServer definition: Name=%(WellKnownModuleServers.Identity);Type=%(WellKnownModuleServers.Type);Source=%(WellKnownModuleServers.Source))"/>

InstallModule Task

Imports a module from the local cache to the working model.


Parameter Type Description
ModuleName Required string Module to import.
Version string Version of the module to import.


This sample shows how to install a module for the given KB in the given environment.
msbuild installModule.msbuild /t:Install /p:ModuleName=MyModule /p:KBPath=c:\mykb /p:EnvName=NetEnvironment
<Project DefaultTargets="Install" xmlns="">

	<Import Project="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Genexus.Tasks.targets" />

	<Target Name="Install">
		<OpenKnowledgeBase Directory="$(KBPath)"/>
		<SetActiveEnvironment EnvironmentName="$(EnvName)" />
		<InstallModule ModuleName="$(ModuleName)" />

PackageModule Task

Creates a package that contains a module's binaries and module definition files. 


Parameter Type Description
ModuleName Required string Full Module Name to publish.
Rebuild bool Rebuilds the module.
OutputDirectory string Output directory where to publish the module.
Environments string[] List of environment names to be included in the packaged module. If no environment name is specified, the package operation includes all the environments in the Knowledge Base.


This sample creates a package for a module named MyModule.
msbuild package.msbuild /t:PackageModule /p:PackageModuleName=MyModule /p:PackageModuleVersion=1.0
The content for package.msbuild is as follows:
<Target Name="PackageModule">
	<Message Text="Packaging Module:$(PackageModuleName)" Importance="high"/>
	<Message Text="Packaging Module Version:$(PackageModuleVersion)" Importance="high"/>
	<SetObjectProperty Object="Module:$(PackageModuleName)" Name="ModuleVersion" Value="$(PackageModuleVersion)"/>

	<!-- CSharp -->
	<SetActiveEnvironment EnvironmentName="$(CSharpEnvName)"/>
	<BuildAll ForceRebuild="$(DoForceBuild)" />

	<!-- Java -->
	<SetActiveEnvironment EnvironmentName="$(JavaEnvName)"/>
	<BuildAll ForceRebuild="$(DoForceBuild)" />

	<!-- NetCore -->
	<SetActiveEnvironment EnvironmentName="$(NetCoreEnvName)"/>
	<BuildAll ForceRebuild="$(DoForceBuild)" />

		<EnvToPackage Include="$(CSharpEnvName)"/>
		<EnvToPackage Include="$(JavaEnvName)"/>
		<EnvToPackage Include="$(NetCoreEnvName)"/>

	<PackageModule ModuleName="$(PackageModuleName)" Environments="@(EnvToPackage)" OutputDirectory="$(ModulesTMPPath)"/>

PublishModule Task

Publishes a module for the working model to the local cache.


Parameter Type Description
ModuleName Required string Module to publish.
OpcFile string Packaged module to publish.
Server Required string Server identifier where to upload the packaged module.
User string Optional parameter to indicate the user name. 
Password string Optional parameter to specify the password.


This example publishes a package for a module called MyModule:

msbuild publish.msbuild /t:Publish /p:ModuleName=MyModule /p:ServerName=MyServer /p:KBPath=c:\mykb /p:User=userName /p:Password=password


<Project DefaultTargets="Publish" xmlns="">
    <Import Project="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Genexus.Tasks.targets" />

    <Target Name="Publish">
       <OpenKnowledgeBase Directory="$(KBPath)"/>
       <PublishModule ModuleName="$(ModuleName)" ServerName="$(ServerName)" User="$(userName)" Password="$(password)"/>

RestoreModule Task

Restores the implementation of a packaged module defined in the Knowledge Base.


Parameter Type Description
ModuleName string Module to restore; it can be empty, in which case the restore task applies to each packaged module installed in the Knowledge Base.


msbuild restore.msbuild /t:Restore /p:ModuleName=MyModule /p:KBPath=c:\mykb
<Project DefaultTargets="Restore" xmlns="">
	<Import Project="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Genexus.Tasks.targets" />

	<Target Name="Install">
		<OpenKnowledgeBase Directory="$(KBPath)"/>
		<RestoreModule ModuleName="$(ModuleName)" />

UpdateModule Task

Updates an existing module to the given version or to the latest version.


Parameter Type Description
ModuleName Required string Module to update.
Version string Version of the module to import. If empty, the module is updated to the latest version.


In this example, the update.msbuild file is used to update a module to the latest version available.
msbuild update.msbuild /t:UpdateToLatest /p:ModuleName=MyModule /p:KBPath:c:\mykb
<Project DefaultTargets="UpdateToLatest" xmlns="">
	<Import Project="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Genexus.Tasks.targets" />

	<Target Name="UpdateToLatest">
		<OpenKnowledgeBase Directory="$(KBPath)"/>
		<UpdateModule ModuleName="$(ModuleName)" />

Note: You must define the MSBuildProjectDirectory variable pointing to the GeneXus root folder. Otherwise, the project import may fail.

Last update: November 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant