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Service Bus trigger functions and Queue Storage trigger functions are other types of Azure Functions.

Queue Storage

The Queue storage trigger runs functions as messages are added to Azure Queue storage.
The Trigger type property at the deployment unit should be "Queue" for this kind of function.

Service Bus

You use the Service Bus trigger to respond to messages from a Service Bus queue or topic.
The Trigger Type property at the deployment unit should be "Service Bus" for this kind of function.

Deployment steps

First, read HowTo: Create a GeneXus Procedure to be deployed as an Azure or AWS Function.
To deploy the function, use the deployment tool. See HowTo: Deploy as Azure Functions.

Function Configuration

The function's configuration depends on its Trigger type.


In the case of Service Bus, it can be "Queue" or "Topic," and it has different configuration settings for each one.

Example for Service Bus Topic:

Trigger Type Service Bus Topic example

The configurations are created automatically as app settings in the cloud so they can be managed easily (with no need to re-deploy)


Example for Service Bus Queue:

Trigger Type Service Bus Queue example

Example for Queue Trigger Type:

In the case of Queue Trigger type, the configuration settings are as shown in the following image taken from an example:

Trigger Type Queue example

Setting configurations at runtime

As stated before, the conection configuration is created automatically as app settings in the cloud so they can be managed easily (with no need to re-deploy). 

In the case of the Queue Name or Topic name, if you configure the property surrounded by % that name will be taken as an app setting. Then the app setting must be defined in Azure by you.


In Java, it's available since GeneXus 18 upgrade 12.
For Java, the Azure SDK has some limitations related to obtaining metadata of the message received, such as in the case of Service Bus. In this case, the Invocation Id of the function is returned as the Id of the message.
Similarly, the date and time of the execution of the function, is taken as the date of the message.


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