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Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus service that delivers a stream of real-time data from your applications to AWS Lambda functions.

When you configure the Trigger type property of a Deployment Unit object to "Event Bridge," triggers will respond to messages from the event bus service.

Deployment steps

First, read HowTo: Create a GeneXus Procedure to be deployed as an Azure or AWS Function.

To deploy the function, use the deployment tool. See HowTo: Deploy to AWS Lambda Function.

Properties Configuration

In the Deployment Unit, set the following properties as shown below:

  1. AWS Access Key ID/AWS Secret Access Key: Enter your AWS Access Key.
  2. AWS Default Region: Select your preferred region (localization) for your Deployment.
  3. Function Name: It's the name used to display the application.
  4. Trigger type: Select EventBridge.
  5. IAM Execution Role ARN property: Enter the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) path.


The configuration settings are as shown in the following image taken from an example:


Note: You must have previously created an IAM Execution Role with the minimum permissions required for the function to execute.

AWS Configuration

From the AWS Console UI, attach the queue trigger type for the function to be executed automatically when a new EventBridge event is created.

  1. Go to AWS Lambda Console UI.
  2. Select the AWS Lambda Function.
  3. Click on “Add Trigger”.
  4. Select the EventBridge option, complete the fields, and click on Add. (You can also add the trigger through the EventBridge Console UI.)


Since GeneXus 17 Upgrade 11.


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