GeneXus 9.0 Upgrade Course
New triggering events have been added in order to support more sophisticate dialogs in Transactions.
The Rule syntax:
Rule [if condition] [on event ...] [level att ...];
Event or list of events separated by "," whose possible values are:
AfterValidate |
AfterInsert |
AfterUpdate |
AfterDelete |
AfterComplete |
AfterLevel |
BeforeValidate |
BeforeInsert |
BeforeUpdate |
BeforeDelete |
BeforeComplete |
Objects: Transaction
Generators: Java, .NET, .NET Mobile
When a Transaction has been confirmed, the events will be triggered in the following order:
- BeforeValidate
- Check Extended Table (Internal GeneXus triggering event; Refcall rules are triggered here).
- Confirm data
- Check Optimistic Concurrency (Internal GeneXus triggering event; Record modification and locking are checked in this event).
- AfterValidate (first level)
- BeforeInsert/Update/Delete
- DB is updated
- AfterInsert/Update/Delete
- BeforeValidate Level
- Confirm data
- AfterValidate Level
- BeforeInsert/Update/Delete Level
- AfterInsert/Update/Delete Level
- AfterLevel Level
- DB is updated; the success message is displayed ('Data has been successfully added')
- BeforeComplete
- Commitment of the LUW
- AfterComplete
Triggering Events in GeneXus 8.0
Transaction Rules Syntax in GeneXus 8.0
Event Handling Model Properties