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Below are the MSBuild tasks related to the deployment of the back-end services (services of a mobile or Angular app) to Azure serverless.
For using the GeneXus IDE to execute the deployment, and having a general knowledge of the meaning of the properties, see Deploy to Azure Serverless using API Management.

Step 1 - Create deploy project

This task generates the .gxdproj file. The MSBuild file used is located under the GeneXus installation.

MSBuild.exe "C:\Genexus\deploy.msbuild"

Step 2. Create Package

Generates the package .zip file. The MSBuild file used is the .gxdproj file generated in the first step.
This is a local package having all basic artifacts, not suitable to be deployed to Azure. 

MSBuild.exe "C:\models\TestServerlessGAM\NETSQLServerCloud\web\DpuWithGAM_20220808111607.gxdproj"

Step 3. Create Cloud package

This step creates the package to be deployed to Azure (it customizes the package created in Step 2).
It uses the CreateCloudPackage.msbuild script, under the GeneXus directory.

MSBuild.exe "C:\Genexus\CreateCloudPackage.msbuild"
/p:GXDeployFileProject=<Path to the .gxdproj file generated at first step>
/p:DeployFileFullPath=<Path where the zip package will be copied. By default, it takes the value specied at the .gxdproj file>

Step 4. Deploy to Azure Serverless

It uploads the package to an Azure Function.
Here you need to set the credentials for connecting to Azure.
The MSBuild file used is located under <GeneXus Installation>\DeploymentTargets\AzureServerless.

MSBuild.exe "C:\Genexus\DeploymentTargets\AzureServerless\deploy.msbuild"
/p:GXDeployFileProject=<.gxdproj file Location>
/p:DEPLOY_TARGETS="C:\Development\Trunk3\Deploy\Genexus\Debug\DeploymentTargets\AzureServerless\azureserverless.targets" /p:DeployFullPath="C:\models\TestAPIObject3\TestServerlessGAM\NETSQLServerCloud\Deploy\AZURE_SERVERLESS\DpuWithGAM\20220808111607" 
Note: In case of setting /p:CreateCloudPackage="true", this steps does the 3rd Step also (it creates the cloud package).

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