Official Content

This log shows the most important fixes or features being added to the system.

June 06, 2024 - Version: prod.124


  • New screen to change language.
  • New format for ID of Mini App. The string should be in reverse DNS format using only the Roman alphabet in upper and lower case (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), dots ("."), and hyphens ("-").
  • New design and rename of the featured screen for highlight.


  • Allows to make a Mini App ready without having configured Super App compatibility.
  • Plus icon appears on the backgound of the Mini App images.

May 15, 2024 - Version: prod.116


  • Display the Super App name on the Mini App screen.
  • Added language support for Spanish and Japanese.
  • Improved user experience on the Mini App version screen by grouping actions into a "More Actions" button when exceeding two buttons.


  • Error when additional attributes or their values contain characters such as ",", ";" or double and/or single quotes.
  • It doesn't appear the plus icon when a metadata is deleted, to indicate that by clicking you can select the new one.

April 15, 2024 - Version: prod.115


  • Renamed the additional attributes service in a Super App to "attributes".
  • Added enforcement controls and authentication for downloading the public certificate of a Super App version.
  • Included additional attributes in the API response for managing a Mini App.
  • Optimized the Mini Apps search service with developer-defined filters.
  • Added a filter by Mini App ID in the developer-defined filter service.
  • Added a service in the API to get the list of locations of a Mini App.

April 03, 2024 - Version: prod.114


  • New design of the organization screens.
  • Made the organization ID optional in services for managing Mini Apps and Super Apps if the user is not a "Provisioning Administrator".


  • Fixed filtering issue in the Mini Apps search service with developer-defined filters for the specified Super App.
  • Allowed creation of a Mini App with an ID starting with a space.
  • Fixed link error for returning from an organization.

March 04, 2024 - Version: prod.113


  • New environment variable to define the S3 location.


  • Fixed issues with numeric values for additional attributes of a Mini App.
  • Error, additional attributes were not saved in Super App and values were not saved in a Mini App.
  • Allows to create additional attributes with the same name as the standard ones.
  • The service for searching Mini Apps with developer-defined filters does not return any Mini App if called without filters.

February 23, 2024 - Version: prod.109


  • Error in the service for uploading a Mini App and a version via a bundle file when storing multimedia files in S3.
  • Error in the API services for modifying and deleting a Mini App.
  • Permissions error for users with "Organization Administrator" role accessing the API key screen.
  • Error in the API for creating organizations.
  • Google Key error for loading Mini Apps locations.

February 02, 2024 - Version: prod.61


  • New services were added to the API: Upload a Mini App and a version through a bundle file.


  • Permissions error for users with "Mini App Developer" role creating Mini Apps.
  • Super App filter in Mini Apps screen was empty for organizations with only permission to create Mini Apps.

January 22, 2024 - Version: prod.51


  • The authentication of the services has been changed to API Keys. It must be created by member of the organization or by users for "Provisioning administrator".
Note: This version requires running a database update script.

December 27, 2023 - Version: prod.44


  • Added functionality to indicate the security of the Super App and Mini Apps.
  • Expanded the API with services for managing additional Super App attributes and assigning values for Mini Apps.
  • Added a screen to assign values to the additional attributes of Mini Apps based on Super App requirements.
  • New service for searching Mini Apps with developer-defined filters.


  • Error in displaying the change history of a Mini App version.

December 04, 2023 - Version: prod.1


  • New design of the Mini Apps and Super Apps screens.
  • Added a screen to manage online Mini Apps.
  • Allowed disabling previous versions of a Mini App when a new "Ready" version is available.
  • Allowed enabling a previous version of a Mini App by disabling the latest "Ready" version.
  • New API to facilitate interaction with the data from Mini Apps, Super Apps, Organizations, or any other information provided by the Mini App Center.
  • Added email notifications for status changes in the Mini App.
  • Added ability to delete/disable a Super App.
  • New service to obtain the information of a Mini App through its ID.


  • Allowed the same name for two Mini Apps within the same Super App.
  • Pagination issues in the services for searching Mini Apps.

Last update: April 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant