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This document first states an overview of the compatibility issues or considerations you may need to take into account when adopting GeneXus 16 and, afterward, links to more details.

Steps to build with GeneXus 16 a KB of GeneXus 15

There is no Knowledge Base conversion from GeneXus 15 to GeneXus 16. As stated here, GeneXus 16, technically speaking, is just an upgrade of GeneXus 15 upgrade 12 and so is very easy to adopt.

To open a Knowledge Base (KB) that is already on GeneXus 15 with GeneXus 16 follow these steps:

1.A) If your KB is not connected to a GeneXus Server: Open it with GeneXus 16.
Note: Since no conversion happens, you will be able to open it with Genexus 15 if you need to return

1.B) If your KB is connected to a GeneXus Server

1.B.1) If you decide to install GeneXus Server on another instance

1.B.2) If you update to GeneXus 16 your GeneXus Server 15 instance

  • Update the instance to GeneXus Server 16. Do it following the steps described at GeneXus Server Setup (Section "Update an existing GeneXus Server Instance")
  • Open your KB with GeneXus 16

2) Build All/Rebuild All (*)

If your KB uses GeneXus Access Manager (GAM) or BPM this process may update the associated database schemas. See below for more information.

(*) If you generate for Android or iOS,

  • delete the <Environment Directory>\mobile\iOS folder before doing a Rebuild with GeneXus 16.

To compile iOS Smart Devices Apps,

  • Delete the content of ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData (for each user of the Mac that is about to compile code)
  • Delete the folder “build” that is in ~/Projects/<KB_NAME>/<ENVIRONMET_NAME>/<MAIN_NAME>

3) Check out Navigation changes using the Navigation Comparer. Note that navigation may change given several navigation improvements. Check out 'Navigation Improvements' section at this page.

4) Test it

5) If the KB is connected to GeneXus Server, commit changes.

Overview of Compatibility issues or considerations to take into account

Third Party Software Requirements: Patterns and Extensions

  • If you are using Patterns, Extensions provided by others, please contact their manufacturers, because they may need to provide a new version.

Consider the following Extensions and Patterns Compatibility in GeneXus 15 (since there have been changes in upgrades of GeneXus 15, specifically in GeneXus 15 Upgrade 11)

Smart devices generator

Deprecated Features

Removed Features

  • The ValueChanged event for the Slider Control is no longer available. Use ControlValueChanged event instead.
  • Interop.Scanbarcode method is no longer available. Use Scanner.ScanBarcode method instead.
  • Support for Dynamic Call between Procedures and Web Panels has been removed, for more information check the SAC#47092.

Renamed Features

  • Web Notification Object has been renamed to Server.Socket external object. Import / Export from and to GeneXus 16 of objects that use variables based on this external object will not work.

See Also

Compatibility - Detailed Information

Check this list for a detailed list of issues that may affect compatibility. Note that you can select the version you are and the one you go to, to get the complete list and analyze it.

Steps to build with GeneXus 16 a KB of GeneXus X Evolution 3 or prior version

The following document states the steps to take when coming from previous versions: Converting Knowledge Bases to GeneXus 16, 17 or higher

Last update: February 2025 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant