Defines a font family other than the default ones and using it in both the Tokens and Styles of the Design System Object.
font-family ':' <font_family_name> ';'
src ':' <source_file> [, <source_file>]...';'
[font-weight ':' <weight> ';']
[font-style ':' <style> ';']
[font-stretch ':' <separation> ';']
View Design System Syntax conventions.
Indicates the name of the font you are defining.
Indicates the source file of the font, which can be a URL or a reference to a file object (through the gx-file function).
Defines how bold the font is. Options: normal, bold, 100, 200, …, 900
Defines the font style. Options: normal, italic, oblique.
Defines the font spacing. Options: normal, condensed, ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, semi-condensed, expanded, semi-expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded.
Styles myStyle
font-family: AbhayaLibre-Bold;
src: gx-file(AbhayaLibre-Bold-ttf);
color: #FFFFFF;
font-family: AbhayaLibre-Bold;
font-size: 95px;
color: $colors.OnSurface;
font-family: $fonts.Title1;
font-size: $fontSizes.H2;
Tokens MyTokens
OnSurface: #191819;
Title1: AbhayaLibre-Bold;
H2: 60px;
Since GeneXus 17 Upgrade 6.
See the general topic Design System Style Rules.
Syntax conventions