This article contains an example that shows how to send and consume messages from a Message queue with the Queue API, using an Azure Storage Queue.
The code consists of the following:
1. Connect to the Azure Storage Queue using the AzureQueue.MessageQueueProvider external object.
2. It returns a MessageQueue EO which should be used to send the message to the Queue.
3. The result is returned in a variable of MessageResult SDT type.
Next, create a GeneXus object and define the following:
////////Connect to Azure Storage Queue //////
&queueURL = !"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=azapiqueuetest;AccountKey=xxxxxxxxxxx;" //storage Account Connection String
&queueName = !"gxqueue"
&MessageQueue = AzureQueue.MessageQueueProvider.Connect(&queueName,&queueURL,&errorMessages,&isOK) //&MessageQueue is MessageQueue external object
//////Send a message ///////
&Message = new() //Message SDT, GeneXusMessagingQueue.SimpleQueue
&Message.MessageId = !"1" //Id of the message to send
&Message.MessageBody = !"test1 send one message" //Message to be sent
//Message metadata
&MessageProperty = new() //MessageProperty SDT, GeneXusMessagingQueue.SimpleQueue
&MessageProperty.PropertyKey = !"key1"
&MessageProperty.PropertyValue = !"Value1"
&Message.MessageAttributes.Add(&MessageProperty) //Add the metadata to the message you want to send
&MessageProperty = new()
&MessageProperty.PropertyKey = !"key2"
&MessageProperty.PropertyValue = !"Value2"
&MessageResult = &MessageQueue.SendMessage(&Message,&errorMessages,&success) //Sends the message and captures whether it was sent successfully or error obtained.
//Here process the &errorMessages