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Below is a summary of what you need to set up in the Azure cloud to start publishing events to Azure Event Grid using the Event Messaging API.

1. Register the Event Grid resource provider.
2. Create a Custom Topic.
    Authentication: For now, the supported authentication is local.


3. When you define the Event Grid resource, you are asked to select an Event Schema.
All of the available schemas (CloudEvent, EventGridSchema, and Custom) are supported by the Event Messaging API.

CloudEvent Schema

Use the SendEvent method by passing a CloudEvent SDT for the Event parameter.


Use the SendCustomEvents method by passing a JSON string of an EventGridSchema SDT.

Custom Input Schema

Use the SendCustomEvents method by passing a JSON string of an EventGridSchema SDT.

Define the following as the mapping fields in the Topic creation (Advanced tab):


4. Define a subscription for the Event Grid by following the Azure documentation. See Event Handlers.

See Also

Delivery and retry


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