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The following example shows how to publish an event to Azure Event Grid based on CloudEvents Schema, using SendEvent method.

&CloudEvent is CloudEvent SDT.

    &endpoint = !""
    &accesskey = !"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    &EventRouter = AzureEventGrid.EventGridRouterProvider.Connect(&endpoint,&accesskey,&errorMessages,&IsSuccess)

    &CloudEvent = new() 
    &CloudEvent.source = !"GeneXusApp"
    &CloudEvent.type = !"Test"
    & = '{'  +\
    '"employee": {'  +\
       '"name":       "Sofia",'   +\
       '"salary":      19000,'  +\
       '"married":    true'  +\
    '}' +\  
    &isOK = &EventRouter.SendEvent(&CloudEvent,&isBinary,&errorMessages)   
    if not &isOK
        msg(format("Error %1(%2)",&errorMessages.Item(1).Description, &errorMessages.Item(1).Id), status)

The following example shows how to send a collection of events using CloudEvent Schema for the representation of them.
The method used is SendEvents.

    &CloudEvent = new()
    &CloudEvent.source = !"GeneXusAppTest3"
    &CloudEvent.type = !"Test3"
    & = '{'  +\
    '"employee": {'  +\
       '"name":       "maria",'   +\
       '"salary":      59000,'  +\
       '"married":    true'  +\
    '}' +\  
    &CloudEvent = new()
    &CloudEvent.source = !"GeneXusAppTest4"
    &CloudEvent.type = !"Test4"
    &CloudEvent.datacontenttype = !"application/json"
    & = '{'  +\
    '"employee": {'  +\
       '"name":       "ana",'   +\
       '"salary":      59800,'  +\
       '"married":    false'  +\
    '}' +\  
    &isBinary = false
    &isOK = &EventRouter.SendEvents(&CloudEventCollection,&isBinary,&errorMessages)

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