The EventRouter External Object is below the GeneXusEventMessaging module and allows you to publish events to an Event Router.
Sends an event using the CloudEvents specification.
Return value: Boolean
Parameters: Event:CloudEvent, binaryData:Boolean, ErrorMessages:GeneXus.Common.Messages
The binaryData parameter indicates whether the data item of the Event will be sent as binary.
Sends events using the CloudEvents specification.
Return value: Boolean
Parameters: Event:CloudEvent (Collection), binaryData:Boolean, ErrorMessages:GeneXus.Common.Messages
The binaryData parameter indicates whether the data item of the Events will be sent as binary.
Sends events using a specific proprietary format.
To send the Event using any other format valid for any specific provider, use this method.
Return value: Boolean
Parameters: Event:varchar, binaryData: Boolean, ErrorMessages:GeneXus.Common.Messages, success: Boolean
The event is passed to the method as a JSON.
The JSON string passed to the method must have a valid format according to the Event Schema supported by the event router provider.
For example, Azure Event Grid supports Azure Event Grid Schema.
Therefore, the JSON can be obtained using the AzureEventGrid.EventGridSchema SDT.
This external object is available since GeneXus 18 Upgrade 5.