This is part of SecurityAPI Encoders. It encodes and decodes the Hexadecimal representation of characters on Strings. It is based on Bouncy Castle Hex Encoder and iterates between bytes on low-level implementation.
Hexadecimal strings management functions.
- Input: VarChar(256) plain text
- Returns: VarChar(256) hexadecimal representation of a text
Receives a character and returns the hexadecimal representation of the text.
It uses UTF-8 by default unless CryptographyEncodingUtil is used.
&hexaText = &HexaEncoder.ToHexa("hello world")
- Input: VarChar(256) hexadecimal representation of a text
- Returns: VarChar(256) plain text
Receives a hexadecimal character and returns the plain text version of the input.
&plainText = &HexaEncoder.FromHexa("0956D2FBD5D5C29844A4D21ED2F76E0C")
This method is available since GeneXus 17 Upgrade 8
- Input: VarChar(256) string hexadecimal to verify
- Returns: Boolean true if it is a valid hexadecimal
Receives a string and verifies if it is a correct hexadecimal representation.
&isHexa = &HexaEncoder.IsHexa("0956D2FBD5D5C29844A4D21ED2F76E0C")