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Also known as XmlDSig or DSig, it defines the XML syntax to sign an XML document.

It defines a Signature tag that will contain all signature related information; for example, for canonicalization methods, references needed to identify elements of signed documents, etc.

The standard also defines 3 types of signatures depending on how it relates to the signed document. It can be Enveloped, Enveloping or Detached.

  • Enveloped signatures are contained within the signed document. They add a reference to the signed element in cases in which just some document elements are signed.
  • Enveloping signatures include the signed elements within their tags.
  • Detached signatures are stored in another XML document separate from the original and linked with some reference to the original document.

Signature structure example

<Signature Id="MyFirstSignature" xmlns=""> 
   <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/> 
   <SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/> 
   <Reference URI=""> 
       <Transform Algorithm=""/> 
     <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/> 


DSig structure in a nutshell

  • CanonicalizationMethod defines an algorithm to process special characters; it is used to preprocess the input before the hash digest calculation. It is a way to preprocess the text in the same way on both ends of the conversation or the signature would fail.
  • SignatureMethod defines the hash algorithm and the signature asymmetric algorithm that will be used for signing.
  • DigestMethod defines the hash algorithm to be used to calculate the digest value.
  • DigestValue element contains the Base64 encoded hash of the signed text.
  • Reference element defines references by URI, ID within the document or to another signed document in case of detached signatures.
  • Transforms element contains definitions to transform the document before it is digested (hashed). It could also include XPath transformation to define an XPath predicate to find elements signed.
  • SignatureValue element contains the Base64 encoded signature value calculated using all the definitions expressed in the SignedInfo element.
  • KeyInfo is an optional element; it may or may not be attached to the signature in the standard. If it is present it could contain a KeyValue element type or an X509Data element type. When the KeyInfo element is not included in the Signature, the public key to verify the signature has to be obtained elsewhere.
    • KeyValue element type would have information about the type and parameters of the public key to be used to verify the signature. The parameters must be expressed using Basse64 encoding.
    • X509Data element type would contain data related to the public key certificate and other certificate information to use in the signature verification process.


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