This document describes how to create a very simple JWT with a common symmetric algorithm using GeneXusJWT module.
// "alg": "HS256",
// "typ": "JWT"
// "jti": "0696bb20-6223-4a1c-9ebf-e15c74387b9c",
// "iss": "",
// "exp" : 1909649720,
// "company": "Example",
//Obtaining an hexadecimal key for a symmetric encryption algorithm since it is what we are using (HS256)
&symmetricKey = &SymmetricKeyGenerator.DoGenerateKey(SymmetricKeyType.GENERICRANDOM, 256)
//Adding iss claim, it is a registered claim
//Registered claims are not mandatory therefore are added on JWTOptions SDT
//For more information about JWT claim types,JSON+Web+Token+Standard+%28JWT%29
&JWTOptions.AddRegisteredClaim(RegisteredClaim.iss, "")
//Adding exp claim, it is a registered claim that validates time.
//Therefore AddCustomTimeValidationClaim is the method to use with a time with "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" picture
&JWTOptions.AddCustomTimeValidationClaim(RegisteredClaim.exp, "2030/07/07 10:15:20", "0")
&JWTOptions.AddRegisteredClaim(RegisteredClaim.jti, "0696bb20-6223-4a1c-9ebf-e15c74387b9c")
//Adding the key to use for the signature
//Use DoCreate to sign and encode the token
&token = &JWTCreator.DoCreate(JWTAlgorithm.HS256, &PrivateClaims, &JWTOptions)
if &JWTCreator.HasError()
msg("Error on creation: Code: " + &JWTCreator.GetErrorCode() + " Description: " + &JWTCreator.GetErrorDescription(), status)
msg("Correctly generated", status)
msg("Base 64 token: " + &token, status)
//The JWTCeator object also has functions to obtain the header and the payload from the encoded token in plain text
&header = &JWTCreator.GetHeader(&token)
msg("Token header: " + &header, status)
&payload = &JWTCreator.GetPayload(&token)
msg("Token payload: " + &payload, status)
&verification = &JWTCreator.DoVerify(&token, JWTAlgorithm.HS256, &PrivateClaims, &JWTOptions)
//This verification method verifies the recieved token agains the key and claims provided, not just the signature
//If the token was changed in any mean it will fail
//When the above specification fails it will return false as for any other type of error
if &JWTCreator.HasError()
msg("Error on creation: Code: " + &JWTCreator.GetErrorCode() + " Description: " + &JWTCreator.GetErrorDescription(), status)
msg("Correctly verified. Result: " + &verification.ToString(), status)