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The GeneXusSecurityAPI's modules use different symmetric keys, IVs, and nonces.

The majority of them specify a hexadecimal string as input. It means a literal hex representation of bits that is different from a UTF (or other character encodings) representation of bits.

Verify if your key is hexa or another encoding before using it and if it is compliant with the algorithm specification. If it is not or is on a wrong encoding, the execution could fail or it could return the wrong result.

The easiest way to discover the encoding is by counting the characters to find out if it reaches the expected length for the algorithm or a given length if a specific encoding is used.

To change the encoding, you can use the HexaEncoder object on this module.

Hexadecimal representation 

Hexadecimal representation, also known as Hex or Hexa is a base 16 numerical system made up of 16 symbols.

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

It does not distinguish capital letters from small letters, A is the same as a.

On computer systems, it is translated to the binary numerical system using 4 bits by symbol as shown on the following table:

Hexa Binary
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
A 1010
B 1011
C 1100
D 1101
E 1110
F 1111

Then, the binary interpretation of a sample key will be as follows:

Hexa key 1E D1 D4 C8 70 7B 53 99
Binary key 00011110 11010001 11010100 11001000 01110000 01111011 01010011 10011001

In conclusion, a hexadecimal key made up of 16 characters will translate to a 64-bit key.

UTF representation

UTF encoding or Unicode Translation Format is a coding system for character sets.

It defines 3 types of encodings:

  • UTF-8 − It comes in 8-bit units (bytes); a character in UTF8 can have between 1 to 4 bytes, making UTF8 variable length.
  • UTF-16 − It comes in 16-bit units (shorts); it can be 1 or 2 shorts long, making UTF16 variable length.
  • UTF-32 − It comes in 32-bit units (longs). It is a fixed-width format and is always 1 "long" in length.

About UTF-8

It is the most commonly used in computer systems and allows representing common language symbols and control characters.

The most common alphabetical symbols are represented by 8 bits (1 Byte) as shown in this table.

So, it is really different from the hexa representation and distinguishes capital letters from small letters: A(01000001) is not the same as a(01100001).

Translating the hexa example key from UTF-8 to binary:

UTF-8 key 1E D1 D4 C8 70 7B 53 99
Hexa key 3145 4431 4434 4338 3730 3742 3533 3939
Binary key 0011000101000101 0100010000110001 0100010000110100 0100001100111000 0011011100110000 0011011101000010 0011010100110011 0011100100111001

In conclusion, the same string key interpreted as UTF-8 is a 128-bit key and it will change if capital letters are replaced with small letters, as shown in the next example.

UTF-8 key 1e d1 d4 c8 70 7b 53 99
Hexa key 3165 6431 6434 6338 3730 3762 3533 3939
Binary key 0011000101100101 0110010000110001 0110010000110100 0110001100111000 0011011100110000 0011011101100010 0011010100110011 0011100100111001



Related errors classified by the module's object:

  • SymmetricBlockCipher
    • Error codes between SB022 and SB030
  • SymmetricStreamCipher
    • Error codes between SS007 and SS012
  • CMAC
    • Error codes CM003 and CM004
  • HMAC
    • Error codes HS 002 and HS003
  • JWTOptions and JWTCreator
    • Error code OP001




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