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Error Code Description Help
Common Errors    
GXCH1001 Message Text and Message Body are empty. If Message.Text and Message.Body are empty, then there is no message to send. The user must specify at least one of the fields.
GXCH1002 Payload Type is Empty. This error occurs when a Payload Body is specified but not the Payload Type. The user must specify the Payload Type.
GXCH1003 Type is Empty. If a message of the Media type is being sent, but the Media Type is not specified, it gives this error. The user must specify the Media Type (Image or Video).
GXCH1004 URL is Empty. If a message of Media type is being sent, but the URL of the content to be sent is not specified, this error is thrown. The user must specify the URL.
GXCH1005 Description is Empty. When sending a message of type Web View and not specifying the Description, this error is thrown. The user has to specify the Description.
GXCH1006 URL is Empty. When sending a message of Web View type and not specifying the URL, this error is thrown. The user has to specify the URL.
GXCH1007 Text is Empty. This error occurs when a value is not assigned to the Text parameter when sending a message of Quick Replies Type. The user must specify something for Text value.
GXCH1008 Text is Empty (Quick Reply Index: {QuickReplyIndex}). This error tells us that for a specific QuickReply, the Text value is missing. The user must assign a value for the Text.
Facebook & Whatsapp Errors    
GXCH2001 Access Token not found. The AccessToken property was not found in the &ChannelConfiguration. This parameter is necessary to be able to send messages using the Facebook page. The user must add this parameter as a property of the Channel (in the ChannelConfiguration SDT).
GXCH2002 The specified value for Access Token is not valid. The value found for AccessToken is not valid (the property is there, but its value is empty).
GXCH2003 Recipient not found. In the &ChannelConfiguration the Recipient property was not found. The recipient identifies the recipient of the message, so it needs to be specified. The user must add this parameter as a property of the Channel (in the ChannelConfiguration SDT).
GXCH2004 The specified value for Recipient is not valid. The value found for Recipient is not valid (the property is there, but its value is empty).
GXCH2005 Title parameter not found. The Title parameter is not found. This error occurs when sending a grid that does not contain the Title parameter within its parameters, since it is required by the platform. The user must add the Title parameter.
GXCH2006 The specified value for Title is not valid. The value found for Title is not valid (the property is there, but its value is empty).
GXCH3001 Unsupported Payload Type.{PayloadType} is not supported by Whatsapp. The type of Payload specified is not supported by Whatsapp.

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