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Official Content

GXtest Recorder is a Chrome extension designed to facilitate the recording, editing and playback of UI tests using GXtest.


GXtest Recorder can be downloaded from the Chrome Web Store.


Installation notes

The extension needs to have local file access permission in order to execute file-related commands. To enable this permission, please go to the extension details page (chrome://extensions/?id=edbiefalppkhegcephbbcojpibobbdbd) and enable the option "Allow access to file URLs"



Basic usage

Once you start navigating on the recorder tab, GXtest Recorder will be capturing and adding different commands to your recording. 

To start recording, simply press the record/stop button, it should turn red to indicate the recording has started. 

After that, just return to your browser window and the recorder will record your actions. Once you are done with the workflow, press the record/stop button to stop the recording.

Add assertions

During the recording, you can always add test validations (like checking some control's text or value) by using the Chrome context menu by right-clicking elements on the web page.


Editing recording

After recording, you can always modify the flow of your tests using the recorder. To open the command action menu, right-click on any command.


Add command

To add a command, select ‘Add command’ in the command action menu. Note the command will be added after the current selected one.

Edit command

To edit any command, left-click it and updates its values in the command editor below.


The target and value fields type or requirement will be dependent on the command selected.

In case the command accepts a selector as a target, you can use the ‘Select’ button and select the element on the web page, to get its selectors automatically.

The find button will highlight the current target element on the webpage.

Delete command

To delete a command, click ‘Delete command’ on the command action menu.

Reorder commands

To update a command order you can click and drag the command to the selected position.


Commands table

In this table you can find the supported commands by GXtest Recorder. 







The string to be set on the next prompt pop-up


AssertAlertText Manual The expected alert message -
AssertConfirmation Manual The expected confirmation message -
AssertPrompt Auto The expected prompt message -
AssertTextBy Manual A locator The expected text of the target element (Exact matching)
AssertTitle Manual The expected string of the title (Exact matching)  
AssertValueBy Manual A locator The expected value of the target element (Exact matching)
ChooseCancelOnNextConfirmation Auto - -
ChooseCancelOnNextPrompt Auto - -
ChooseOkOnNextConfirmation Auto - -
ClickBy Auto A locator

x,y position of the mouse event relative to the target element. For example: 10,10. Left blank means a simple click.

CloseWindow Auto Autogenerated -
DoubleClickBy Auto A locator x,y position of the mouse event relative to the target element. For example: 10,10. Left blank means a simple double click.
Echo Manual The string to be printed in the log tab. Variables declared in Store commands or Variable tab can be used in the string. -
EditContentBy Auto A locator The string to be set to the content of the target element with attribute contenteditable="true"
FileUploadBy Manual A locator The path of the file to upload
GetTextBy Manual A locator The name of the variable storing the text of the target element.
GetTitle Manual The title to store The name of the variable storing the title.
GetValueBy Manual A locator The name of the variable storing the value of the target element.
Go Auto A URL -
KeysBy Auto A locator A string or special keystroke, e.g. ${KEY_DOWN}
MouseMoveBy Auto A locator A JSON string containing a list of movements. e.g. {"Movements" : [{"TD": 8, "OX":1, "OY":2}]}.
TD is time delay between movements, OX and OY are offset to the previous movement.
Must be used or command fails, if no further movements are intended just use {"Movements":[]}
PauseFor Manual - The amount of time to sleep in milliseconds. e.g. 5000 means sleep for 5 seconds
RunScript Manual A javascript expression to be ran. e.g
var a=10; var b=20; console.log(a+b)
The amount of time to wait before timeout is thrown in milliseconds. -1 for infinite wait
SelectBy Auto A locator of a dropdown menu An option locator. e.g. label=option1
SubmitBy Auto The locator of the form to submit -
SwitchFrame Auto

index=0 (Select the first frame of index 0), or relative=parent (Select the parent frame), or relative=top (Select the top frame)

SwitchWindow Auto Autogenerated -
TypeBy Auto A locator The string to be set to target element

Auto: Automatically captured by user input when recording

Manual: Not recorded automatically, should be added manually after recording.

Context menu: Manual mode and located on the context menu

(*) The command FileUploadBy requires extra permission to be able to access the files to upload. Check the installation notes to enable this permission.



This is the first action that you usually want to take in order to validate that the sequence of commands recorded is doing what you want.

If you want to debug the recording, a breakpoint can be added by clicking ‘Toggle breakpoint’ in the desired command action menu.



Each playback will generate a log containing detailed information about the run with the option to be saved.


Save/open recording

It is possible to backup or loads previous recordings. You can save your recording by clicking the save button, to later open it by clicking .



Exporting to GXtest

There are two ways to bring the UI test to GeneXus IDE, transforming the recording into a KB test object. Both options require creating a Web UI Test object in the GeneXus IDE. After that you can:

  1. Download the test source code by clicking the ‘DOWNLOAD’ button. A file will be downloaded. Open it and copy its content. Or, 
  2. Directly copy the script code using the 'Copy to Clipboard' button. This is the easiest way.

Paste the source code (Ctrl + V) into the created Web UI Test object.



Known limitations 

Due to technical limitations, the recording of autocomplete fields is currently not supported. If you need to record the action on an autocomplete field, it is advisable to empty the field first and then do the action.


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