You can simulate the mouse moving to a certain location, by providing the HTML element location. This will cause the mouse position to be set at the top-left corner of the specified element.
In case you want to select options or click elements, refer to:
Sets the mouse position at the top-left corner of the specified element using its ID.
- ID: the HTML element ID to locate.
Example of use:
Sets the mouse position at the top-left corner of the specified link using its text:
- LinkText: the link text to locate.
Example of use:
&driver.MouseMoveByLinkText("mouse-over here")
Sets the mouse position at the top-left corner of the specified element using its 'name' attribute.
- Name: the NAME attribute of the control to locate.
Example of use:
Sets the mouse position at the top-left corner of the specified element using a CSS selector.
- CSS: the CSS selector to the element that you want to locate.
Example of use:
Sets the mouse position at the top-left corner of the specified element using an XPath selector.
- XPath: the XPath selector to the element that wants to be located.
Example of use: